Dharma Finding Your Soul Purpose. When manifesting no longer works for you it is time to find your soul purpose.
Are You Having Trouble Manifesting? Dharma Finding Your Soul Purpose
When you can’t manifest anything anymore, or can’t manifest at all, your soul is leading you to find your dharma, your soul purpose.
I learned this through the school of hard knocks. After “manifesting” monetary wealth, a husband and all the false self esteem these external goals could muster, I thought I knew everything about manifesting.
Until I lost the money, the marriage and my sense of complacency.
No matter how much I tried to manifest these goals back, over and over, nothing moved.
I thought, “Could my soul be telling me something? Am I supposed to do something else?”
The answer obviously was, “Well, ha ha, YES!”
If I did nothing I would have become homeless. Taking action was mandatory.
So I did. I surrendered.

Using Surrender to Find Your Dharma, Your Soul Purpose
If you are in a situation that only gets worse and worse each time you try to fix it, it is time to surrender.
Give it a rest. Take a meditation vacation. Ask your higher power to handle it for you.
When you do the universe itself takes over.
Here is a quotation from Michael A. Singer,author of The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life’s Perfection (NY Times Bestseller). He also wrote “The Unfettered Life.”
“My formula for success was very simple: Do whatever is put in front of you with all your heart and soul without regard for personal results. Do the work as though it were given to you by the universe itself – because it was.”
When we “Let Go” and allow ourselves to be led, a miraculous thing happens. Our soul’s voice emerges, leading us to fulfill our soul plan, our soul purpose.

When You Surrender, You Give The Universe A Chance to Lead You – Dharma Finding Your Soul Purpose
After I surrendered in a fit of tears on my bedroom floor, I heard a little voice in my head tell me to start the work of spirit, to begin to work in the field that fascinated and spoke to me.
Quite rapidly the path took shape, guiding me forward out of devastation into fertile soil. I no longer had to worry.
I would not be homeless! I would be quite the opposite. I would be rich, in a way beyond money.
The work took on a shape of its own. Each spirit session a blessing, a miracle to behold. Each class I taught another revelation of how real spirit is.
I began to enjoy my work in a way I had never before. I realized I was uniquely suited to it.

Have a Life That Fits You
Can you imagine having work that fits you like a glove? Can you imagine being with your right soul mate, and everything your soul planned for you this life time?
This is possible. We each have our own purpose, path or journey to take. Each unique.
Does this mean your life will be perfect? No. Just the opposite.
Each challenge you have in life offers you the chance to follow your purpose by surrendering. It is only by letting go can the guidance surface.
It is almost as if when we are fighting a situation, we are stuck in an astral vibration of cause and effect, Karma.
When we Let Go in Surrender, our vibration rises to a level where miracles can occur, situations can be cleared, healing can happen.
Guidance feels peaceful, fulfilling and right.

Hidden Behind Your Biggest Problem in Life Is Your Dharma, Your Soul Purpose
Hidden behind the biggest problem you have in life, the one that keeps creeping up over and over again, is your purpose.
This is the Karma your soul planned for you to address this lifetime.
To fulfill your purpose you need to surrender to this problem, stop resisting it, stop fighting it. When you let go of trying to resolve it on your own, you will be led.
This guidance is your soul leading you to fulfill your purpose. Guidance comes in the form of a feeling or hunch you may have or a lucky synchronicity.
There is hope for each of us to step beyond Karma to Dharma. The way to do it is with surrender.
There are other steps to take after this. These steps complete Soul Abundance.
Spirit Medium Laura