What is Difference Between Manifesting and Magic Spells? I would say the difference is empowerment.
When someone is casting a spell it is as if they have given over their power to a magic spell to create, whereas, when someone manifests they are accessing their power to co-create with universal life force energy.
This may seem a bit subtle, but if we review the results from manifesting versus a magic spell, the distinction becomes more obvious.
When I was younger I did a love spell. Why? Because after years of never attracting a deep love relationship I had started to believe that love cannot come to me.
Something more powerful than me would have to bring the love.
I was using manifesting in my life. It worked with money. I had landed a job at one of the largest software companies in the world, where co-workers were becoming millionaires from stock options.
Manifesting was working for me, because I truly believed I could become a millionaire. Everything I had ever done before that relating to professional accomplishment had been ultra successful.
But love, well, that was something different. I did not really believe I could attract love, as I had tried for so long without results.
So I thought, “Why not try magic?”
Magic DID bring me a partner. Magic actually brought me three separate relationships over a period of years, each sorely lacking in a quality needed for a lasting union.
Why did they work, but not work? Because when we project intention into the universe through a spell or manifesting, we are projecting our vibration.
If our vibration emanates, “I DO NOT BELIEVE I DESERVE LOVE,” the spell manifesting activity will deliver this belief.

A great movie which explores these concepts is “Bedazzled,” 2000, with Brendan Fraser and Elizabeth Hurley.
Elizabeth plays the devil, granting Brendan 7 wishes. He keeps wishing he would be someone else to capture the heart of a female co-worker who he adores.
Turns out each wish makes him someone else, but there is always a hilarious “catch,” so toxic, he decides to throw out the whole thing after his 6th attempt fails to win the heart of his co-worker.
With this move towards self acceptance, he begins the journey of self acceptance. In this new state, he becomes self assured being exactly who he is.
This ultimately leads to his meeting a new woman, very much like him, who he starts dating.
The moral of the story is to nourish who you are so you can attract your compatible counterpart.
So becoming who you are meant to be, by accepting and nurturing your deepest authenticity will help you create your intentions in the most efficacious way possible.
Work on being the best you possible. This will hone and polish your vibration, your frequency.
Take time each day to reflect on what you have attracted into your life. If you have not attracted love, but rather have attracted no love, then you need to clear this vibration.
You need to begin developing your belief that you deserve and can have love.
What is the fastest and easiest way to do this?
By treating yourself with LOVE! This is so simple, but oh, so over looked.
Begin today to ask yourself what you really want and need in life. Then take steps to bring this into your life.
As you improve your relationship with yourself, you will begin to emanate a higher vibration of completion, self actualization, love. This type of vibration will automatically bring love to you.
You must emanate love to attract love.
No magic spells or manifesting will be necessary. However, if you were to do some focused manifesting If you already believed you deserved its fruition, you would find it is created faster.
FREE VIDEO. Here is a free video on how to use FREQUENCY to help with your manifesting to attain love, money or whatever you want.
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