DIVINE FLOW – Your Secret Mojo. Relax into each moment of your life as delicious, delightful and divine to activate the magical energy of divine flow.
This morning I was thinking about my life. I have been using a vision board of late to envision my desired future.
Then I realized the last dream I had this morning before I awakened was about my teaching someone how to create their life using creative visualization.
There was some conflict in the dream, but its basic premise was a direction for me about my life and what I should be doing with it.
Most dreams are this, but to access the magnificent power of dreams to lead you, you need Divine Flow activated in your life.
It is like your solution cannot appear until you have accepted your present. So long as you are fighting something you do not want or like in your life, you stay stuck.
You do not receive Divine Flow in the form of guidance.

Later this same morning I found an email in my inbox that seemed to be waving at me “hello.” It sat there oddly in my inbox staring back at me, saying, “haven’t you been trying to manifest xxxx, in your life? I’m here to help with that.”
It arrived right after a girlfriend had suggested about 10 of the very same services this email was selling.
So there were two distinct fingers pointing at this little idea as a possible solution to my desired outcome.
Again you need to have Divine Flow activated in your life to receive hints, clues and direction from spirit.
Then this article came to me. I needed to write about Divine Flow today.
So what is Divine Flow, why would you want it and how do you get it?
Divine Flow was a concept channeled to me when I was writing my first book, “Soul Abundance.”
Basically Divine Flow is activated when you stop fighting what you do not like in your life. You surrender, or let go of fighting it.
You can do this with meditation, prayer, or simply just stop fighting something you do not like in your life.
Get quiet about it. Stop complaining about it. Relax and release into it. Find ways to celebrate your situation, rather than fight it constantly.
There is something EXTREMELY powerful about acceptance. It opens the flood gates for spirit to assist you in attaining your dreams.
The second step in activating this divine flow is to define what you really would like and love in your life.
Then place this idea into a daily meditation as if you already have it in your life. A vision board is a good way to do this.
I have written extensively about how to set intention to manifest like a guru. The article to read is HERE.
Finally, after these three steps have been put into effect, your Divine Flow is activated.
Here is a summary of what I just said. The acronym LOVE outlines these steps. It is through LOVE we activate the mojo of Divine Flow.
- Let Go of resisting what you do not want or like in your life. Embrace every moment of every day as divine with or without having your desired goal. Ex. You want love, but are alone. Embrace being alone.
- Open your dream, the thing your heart yearns to have. This is your goal. Ex. You want love.
- Visualize this goal. A vision board is great for this. HERE is how to do one and get results.
- Embrace your divine flow of Guidance, Opportunities and Destiny. The first letter of these last three words spell GOD.
So there you have it. Your Divine Flow activation plan.
Love yourself, your life and EVERYTHING in it. Then define what you want and visualize it daily.
Soon, you will become a manifesting guru.
In love and light,
Spirit Medium Laura
Hi Violet, Gosh I did not know you were commenting here. So sorry I missed this. Thanks for your kind comments. With love,
Thank you for the beautiful words of wisdom. I’ve always done a form of this kind of meditation, but the way you expressed it so articulately crystallized it for me. Always good to hear from you.