Do you think psychics (or anyone for that matter) can read the future?

“Are you able to see probabilities of the future? Yes, however, as you know, your future, no matter how much you planned it in pre-life, can change according to free will. My readings are focused on what is happening today so you can make great decisions for your tomorrow.”

You would think this is standard right?  A psychic can read the future.  Isn’t that what they are supposed to do?

The other day I got a call from a repeat client.  She wanted to thank me.  Everything I had said in her reading came true.  I was a little shocked.

I have another client that loves me to read her future.  I started to find a psychic state as I read for her where the future began to appear.

I remember saying her boyfriend was going to Las Vegas.  A week later she found out he was.   But this trip had already been planned when I perceived it so I was not really reading the future.  I was reading her boyfriend’s mind.

Current printing (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Another client called me and told me what I said did not come true.  She was disappointed.   I guess her situation was “up in the air” when the outcome was predicted.

I have on my website FAQs the following, “Are you able to see probabilities of the future? Yes, however, as you know, your future, no matter how much you planned it in pre-life, can change according to free will.  My readings are focused on what is happening today so you can make great decisions for your tomorrow.”

When I was younger my mother loved to try to read my future using Tarot or Astrology or whatever was the method of her moment.  She also loved to tell me how I was supposed to be using numerology.

I remember once she ran after me all around the house repeating I needed to have a “K” in my name.  I laughed as she said I should change my name to Klaudia spelled, you guessed it, with a “K.” I get a little weak in the belly just thinking about that.  It is so amusing!

I have a psychic friend who claims to be very good at reading the future.  I respect his gifts highly.  He predicts future outcome with grand dignity, not the fortune telling gypsy image such business would suggest.

He told me once, “Don’t be afraid of it [reading the future].”  I guess he thought I was.  I am not.   I just have trouble getting my head around the concept that this or that is going to happen to someone.

My whole life, philosophy and business is built around personal empowerment.  To tell someone this or that is going to happen to them I think is very disempowering.

Yet my future did exist.   I tried to change it according to free will, but failed.

I tried and tried and tried to retain my status of early retirement but spirit had a different plan for me.   I was forced out of retirement against my best efforts not to be.

Many psychic friends told me the relationship with my ex-partner would end before it did.  It did, much as I tried to prevent this from happening.

So where does destiny end and individual choice begin?  Even Dr. Michael Newton, reports in his “Journey of Souls,” an individual can change his planned time of death drastically through choice.

I think we do have an unchangeable destiny within a flexible life plan.  Some things in our plan cannot be changed.  We are all going to die.  However, our time of death can be changed.  

In Summary

1.  You can create your desired future if you energetically clean up the cause of your current conditions. 
2.  Your future can change as per free will.  There are only probable futures. 
3.   Other people’s free will can affect your future too.  Let’s say a psychic predicted you were going to move, but it never happened.  Perhaps when the prediction was made the conditions were there.  But then another person chose to change their reality and secured the opportunity for a new job that was there at the time of the reading.  This job would have allowed you to move to the new town.   
4.  Bottom line – we can have ANYTHING we want in this world if we shape it from energy.  Energy is programmed by the intrinsic data fields created by intention and emotion.  A good book which goes into this more is “Dying to be Me,” by Anita Moorjani. 

If you Google her you can read a lot about her experience with terminal cancer, miraculous healing against all logic.  She “created” her healing through intention.

It all depends on your particular choices. Your current life reveals your conscious and subconscious beliefs, choices and level of awareness. 

If you are not getting what you want, look at your energy.  Learn how to sculpt it to achieve desired results.

This is the challenge and conundrum.  How do we sculpt energy to create our future? 

What do you think?


NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is a psychic medium, author, teacher, public speaker and media guest. With 45+ metaphysic exposure, Laura’s life purpose and passion is to help you fulfill your dreams with SoulTalk.  Laura can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or to set your private appointment or join one of her classes.

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2 thoughts on “Do you think psychics (or anyone for that matter) can read the future?”

  1. i would like to know what the future holds for me but i cannot pay for a reading i dont have money no job if you do this for free please can you help me

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