(Channeled 10/27/10 from Ascended Masters .)
It is easy to answer this question. Of course love continues from the other side. It is not an easy transition for souls on earth to leave their loved ones behind either. When they leave they lose you as well.
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While it will be easier for the soul that transitions to spirit they still will miss you on the earth plane. But the good news is that because they are in a timeless place they can fill their time with much going on and when you finally return to them it can seem like an instant. They will not feel the way you feel on earth, where you will experience a seeming interminable amount of time until finally you are reunited.
When a child is lost there is something too which continues after their transition back to the world of spirit. They do miss their mother or feel an affinity to that mother. These souls quite often will come to visit with their mother on earth. They are still experiencing the effects of the mother child bond after they transition.
So if a mother has lost a child due to any means even abortion or miscarriage, it is important to understand that that child is still experiencing a mother bond with you. They will come to visit with you. If you are open to this bond and send out love to your child you will have much healing yourself. There is a completion emotionally which occurs.
When you have lost a spouse the same thing occurs. It is as if a karmic completion is occurring. That relationship can continue even though the physical effect of time and space has been erased.
So for all of those on earth who have lost loved ones it is important to know that that soul is still visiting you and caring for you and has not lost his or her connection to you. You are still raising your child or relating to your spouse or parent. Nothing is lost.
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There is a relationship which still continues.
We want those on earth to know that just because you do not have a physical relationship with a soul does not mean you have no relationship with that soul. The effects of love are quite contagious and quite compelling. There is no way to eradicate this effect. It continues and continues until you are united in the spirit world which is the real place of love.
The spirit place is the place from which all love relationships have begun and continues. So if you think it is earth you are mistaken.
This is why after the physical form is gone the soul connection continues and those that loved you on earth will still love you from spirit.
Keep your eyes open to this. Become attuned to it and much healing can occur.
God bless.
NOTE: This material was channeled by Laura Lightseer Mendelsohn. She can be reached at 954 465 7338 or laura@theintuitivemiracle.com for a private Intuitive Miracle consultation.