Spirit takes a flat interpretation of the dream symbol wig to a fascinating reinterpretation of this dream symbol in this article.
I awoke this morning remembering my last dream. It was an interminable, stressful dream about trying on wigs and never finding one I liked. The dream started with my mother (who is in spirit) and my father (who is in spirit) handing over to me a lovely collection of wigs before they went off dancing.
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DREAM SYMBOL WIG: This Dream was a bout Wigs
I was supposed to meet them there. It was a Friday morning, an unusual time to go dancing, but hey, I didn’t argue with them. It all seemed quite plausible.
I was all dressed up in a fancy outfit, makeup and my own hair perfect. I felt and looked rather good.
My mother had lots of beautiful wigs in this suitcase. I was trying on this one and that one, not liking any of them, thinking I could find a better one for me.
I thought I would show up at the dance wearing a wig, then remove it after I had made a splashy entrance. The wig would offer me more glamor.
I tried this wig and that wig. Then I would go back to the first wig and try it on again, hoping I did not see something about it the first time. The wigs were left out on the counter top as I went from one to the other.
DREAM SYMBOL WIG: Amazing to see how the wig was so accurate about my feelings earlier that day. Each wig looked fake and somehow just not right.
I was “chasing my tail.”
The dream scene morphed into an open flea market and there I was trying on all these wigs amongst a very crowded market with the wigs left out.
Suddenly I realized. Lots of the wigs were gone. It seemed people were stealing them slowly one by one away from me.
Then I noticed I had run out of time. The dance was almost over and I had never gotten to meet my mother and father there.
I woke up.
DREAM SYMBOL WIG: Spirit always uses them so skillfully!
It always amazes me how my subconscious with the help of spirit plans a dream I need to remember to end so perfectly right before I wake up. I always remember important dreams and they are always so filled with revealing DREAM SYMBOLS!
Here is the online dream dictionary definition of what a wig means as a dream symbol.
Wig: To dream that you are wearing a wig symbolizes deception, incompetence, false impressions, pretentiousness and falsehood. You are trying to pass other people’s ideas, work and opinions as your own. You need to start thinking for yourself. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you are “wigging out” or making a big deal over some trivial matter.
To dream that you lose a wig indicates that you have completely lost your mind.
Link to dream dictionary is: http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary/w2.htm
DREAM SYMBOL WIG: My interpretation of this dream.
Yesterday I did feel pretentious, false and like I was using other people’s ideas. It was a rough day for me. I worked all day refining content to the Soul Purpose Magic coaching program.
I started to get very grumpy about the entire process. Here I was writing about prosperity, yet I felt deprived as my friends went off to socialize and I was left home to work.
Finally, I went out for a walk in the beautiful breeze and sunshine. The whole world opened up for me. I started channeling the program effortlessly as I walked in the beauty of nature.
I became unblocked.
At that moment I felt I was offering individuals a system I still had to master! I felt pretentious, like a fake and a failure all at once!
What had channeled through me during the walk was so different, so light, playful and effortless AND so unlike what I was creating as the program for prosperity! I realized Soul Purpose Magic Passion to Prosperity had to have more “heart” to it and a lot less “head.”
The exact objective of the program is to get people from head to heart. Yet I was locked in the head, or intellect. The program was not fun and I was NOT having fun creating it.
This would not WORK!
DREAM SYMBOLS: A Channeled Interpretation From My Guides
So now what? Here is what my guides say about this.
“Your dream meant much. It was significant for you. However not in the way you think it was. It is not about yourself this dream. It is about others and their way of seeing you.
You do not know how you appear to others and that is what you are afraid of. You are wondering if they will like you in this guise or that.
This is what we were trying to tell you in the dream. Not to worry about how you look to others but rather to do the work.
If you do this you will find your work will be published and original.
It is the originality of the work that is important, not how you appear to others.
So forget about the wig. Your hair in the dream was just fine without the wig. Stop using other peoples ideas to look good. Allow the resources to channel from us to you and this will be the content.
DREAM SYMBOL WIG: Channeling my Spirit Guides to interpret my dream offers deeper, more helpful and meaningful content!
WOW! I always find my guides offer the best interpretation of everything! I am so grateful to have them in my life.
When I allowed them to channel through me yesterday an entire day’s worth of work was done in 10 minutes! They gave me the content which I had struggled so hard to get on my own.
I forgot this work is not about me. It is about spirit speaking to earth about finding peace, joy and happiness using spiritual tools. I had forgotten to use them myself!
Later I realized my mother as a metaphysician was always doubting herself too. She would try so hard to do things the way she was taught or the right way.
Funny how she enabled me in this dream to go beyond that. The wigs were her wigs. She handed them to me in the dream. But the dream was to show me I need to create something original with spirit as my source, not from others on earth.
She is trying to help me go beyond her ego limitations while on earth from The Otherside! “Thank you Mom!”
This was truly and After Death Communication between my mother, my guides and me!
How joyful is that?
Have a great day all!
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Hi Stella, Thanks for writing. I suggest you find an online dream dictionary to look up the meaning of wigs, a close male relative and anything else distinctive in the dream. This will give you immediate insight. If you would like a private session with me to see what spirit says, you can set that appointment at http://www.BookLaura.com. Again thanks for your interest. Blessings, Laura
Had a dream where my dead uncle gave me the wig of his dead wife please what does this mean