Easy Psychic Development

To open your third eye on this website here is a page which has links to various youtube.com meditations which can be alternated to open your third eye.  All you need is to do 8 to 10 minutes a day, but be consistent!
Then after that you should add into your daily life these simple exercises to start flexing your psychic muscles.
If you read Tarot cards  try to guess a card before you turn it over.   You can do with any type of cards.
Get a stack of family photos.  Try to guess what is in the photo before turning it over.  You can try to guess colors, people, or whatever you want.
Parking Spaces.  When you are trying to get a parking space in a limited area, ask yourself to “feel” where the parking space is.  Then follow your intuition.  This works!
Edgar Cayce (1877–1945) was a psychic of the 2...
Image via Wikipedia
When the phone rings or you get a text see if you can determine
1.  who is calling,
2.  if it is going to be a good phone call or bad one or neutral. 
3.  If this will be a long call or a short call. 
4.  what is the subject of the phone call.
5.  Etc.
When you are buying something see if you can guess the exact number that will be on your bill.  You can do this in supermarkets, when you buy gas, when you are in a restaurant, etc.
When you meet a new person try to guess their age, marital status, and other facts about them silently to yourself.  As you converse see if you were right in a discreet and polite manner, of course. 
 There are many ways to develop your psychic senses.  Be creative and come up with a few yourself!
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