Health Medium – Channeled – The Easy Way to Ideal Weight. Personal Fulfillment Creates Satiation.
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QUESTION: Dear Spirit Guides, Obesity is on the verge of being labelled a disease, as it seems so many in the population are becoming heavier and heavier.
Is there some medical or spiritual reason for this? What is a possible solution for an individual that desires to have a healthy body and maintain a healthy, optimal weight?
The reason for the weight gain is complex. There are many people on earth that desire more of everything in this generational time.
It is not enough to be alive. Many on earth want more. More money, more status, more beauty and more desire.
Because of this consciousness it is difficult to change the biology of the organism to be deflated or slender.
With the mindset of more, there is always the outcome of more.
You know that when you desire more you will get more.
Those on earth that want more, of one thing, but not all things can begin to change the way they emanate the desire of more.
They should look over their life and realize that random consumerism is taking them down a difficult path to less fulfillment than they realized.
The element of living well, in a spiritual, joyful sense is the key to weight loss that is permanent.
So how does one begin to LIVE WELL when one feels they always need more to be happy?
It is not easy. One must ask themselves, “What can I do to create a new reality for myself which is complete”
In the sense of consciousness of completion. there is always fulfillment and a healthy attitude.
Completion comes from setting the table, so to speak, in life for abundance.
Ask thyself what you want. Then begin to take steps to bring it to yourself.
Then the healing will begin.
You will no longer desire to eat foods for fulfillment that are empty calories.
You will intuitively desire to eat foods that have physical nourishment.
Then the weight will begin to peel off.
You see eating for pleasure, fulfillment and desire creates the bloated form.
When one creates fulfillment in life, the foods become less about pleasure and more about desire to eat to satiate hunger and health.
There are biological reasons for the weight gain as well in modern diet. However, the underlying reason is a desire to fulfill thyself in some way.
Mistaking sugar, artificial flavorings, and other chemicals that release endorphins in the brain creates an addiction, masked as fulfillment.

False foods are as harmful to the form as Heroin or other addictive drugs.
When one begins to satiate the soul in their life, by identifying, then living their dreams, they no longer desire to eat foods that do not “feed,” the body.
They begin to desire to eat for health and nourishment.
Eat for health, not your dreams. Feed your dreams with your mind, your action and your efforts.
Your body then will crave real food and thrive.
Spirit Medium Laura Channeling The Ones