EASY WEIGHT LOSS SYSTEM. The easiest way to eat to feel full, have more energy, age slower is revealed in this easy weight loss system for life.
EAT MORE WEIGHT LESS – EASY WEIGHT LOSS SYSTEM for LIFE. Yep. It might shock you but the easiest way to lose weight for life is to eat MORE. Eat more fiber.
When you focus on fiber in your diet you will automatically lose weight and maintain your weight for life with ease. It can help prevent disease by stabilizing blood sugar and insulin secretion while increasing a feeling of fullness and satiation.
It is a very simple formula. Three fourths of what you eat all the time, every day, is FIBER (non starchy whole plant foods)! One fourth is lean protein.
If you eat fat let it be in the food, not added, fake or man made.
I have been eating a high fiber, low fat diet for years. This approach has served me well, now weighing even less than I did in High School!
When I started researching the latest on diets that work, I found too basic contradictory positions.
- High fat, low carbohydrate Ketogenic approach.
- High fiber, low fat Plant Based approach.
After experimenting with them, I choose the Plant Based approach with some fish, free range chicken and vegan protein for me.
The other approach, Ketogenic, left me feeling hungry and dissatisfied after eating.
Here is a video which I feel is extremely well researched and delivered that gives a sensible approach to eating this way and contrasts it intelligently to other approaches.
And another one which is equally as sensible.
MY SYSTEM, the one I have been using for years, is HIGH FIBER, LOW FAT.
1/3 to 3/4 HIGH FIBER in the form of non starchy greens, fruits and complex carbohydrates.
1/3 to 1/4 LEAN PROTEIN including modest amounts of good fats.
1. Protein includes wild fish, free range fowl, grass fed beef and organic vegetarian or vegan proteins.
2. Good fats include Omega 3 fats (from wild fish, free range fowl, grass fed meat), fats as they are found in their source food like nuts, seeds, coconut, avocado and olives. Good fat will not make you fat unless you eat it with simple carbohydrates like sugar.
3. High fiber in the form of green vegetables and non starchy fruits as well as complex carbohydrates in complimentary amounts. You will feel hungry if you totally eliminate starches, so it is important to add to your diet a variety of Low Glycemic Load complex carbohydrates like beans, legumes, sweet potatoes, peas, brown rice, steel cut oats, whole grains, etc.
These wonderful foods add fiber to your diet, while satiating the pallet. Here is a chart which describes the Glycemic Load of a food.
This Healthy Eating Food Plate from Harvard University summarizes it.
Taken from https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-eating-plate/BLOOD SUGAR and WEIGHT GAIN
INSULIN causes INFLAMMATION which causes weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and even acne.
Eating a high fiber, low fat diet automatically moderates insulin in the body.
More on relationship between weight gain and inflammation HERE.
More on link between inflammation and fiber HERE.
WHAT IS FIBER? There are two types of fiber soluble and insoluble. Here is the difference and how to get each in your diet.
- Soluble. Absorbs water as it passes through your digestive track. Found in foods like oatmeal, nuts, beans, apples, and blueberries.
- Beans and legumes contain both soluble, insoluble and resistant starch.
- Insoluble. Does not absorb water. An example of insoluble fiber is wheat bran. Great, detailed article on Soluble and Insoluble fiber is HERE.
- GAIN HEALTHY WEIGHT. Maintain a healthy weight. Makes you feel full, satiated and content without starving yourself.
- IMPROVE IMMUNE FUNCTION. Creates good flora in your digestive track which improves immune function, lowers body inflammation. Both soluble and insoluble fiber should be included in diet. More on that below.
- IMPROVE DIGESTION, especially with faster pass of food through digestive track. No more acid reflux! No more constipation if enough water is added to diet.
- LOWER DISEASE. Studies have been done which reflect a high fiber diet will lower blood pressure, cholesterol, help prevent diabetes, reduce risk of cancer,
- INCREASE LIFE SPAN. “Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health recently found that people who often ate fiber-rich cereals and whole grains had a 19 and 17 percent, respectively, reduced risk of death—from any cause—compared to those who noshed on less fiber-heavy fare.” Taken from Eating Well.
- DETOX. When you detox your skin, gums, eye clarity, body odor, energy levels are at their optimum. A toxic system will make you tired, sluggish and out of sorts. Body toxins are the “flame to the tinder” for disease. Fiber helps the body eliminate all toxins from system.
- LOWERS INFLAMMATION. Eating a high fiber diet helps lower body inflammation. Inflammation is the root of disease in the body and weight gain! More HERE.
I was trying to lose weight using “The Starch Solution,” approach, posited by Whole Plant Foods guru, Dr. John Macdougal. As I loaded up on potatoes, whole grain pasta, and other starches, but my body weight went up, almost immediately.
To be fair, Dr. Macdougal does say that if you want to lose weight emphasize green leafy vegetables in the starch diet.
When I went back to my past way of eating, high fiber, low fat, I immediately dropped five pounds. My stomach, which was bloated all the time eating a starch based diet immediately flattened.
There are other things I did as well so read on.
Taken from https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-eating-plate/HIGH FIBER is LOW GLYCEMIC.
Fiber in a food makes it low glycemic. A low glycemic food will slow the release of sugar into the blood, thus lowering the uptake of insulin. This protects the body from inflammation which is the root of disease.
LOW GLYCEMIC DIETS. Here are some well known approaches to dieting that are low glycemic.
PALEO. “The carbohydrates (unlimited fruits and veggies) in The Paleo Diet are of a low-glycemic index, meaning that they cause slow and limited rises in your blood sugar and insulin levels. ” Taken from https://thepaleodiet.com/paleo-diet-faq/
MEDITERRANEAN DIET. This article, “How a Low-Glycemic Diet and Mediterranean Diet are Nearly the Same” explains how the Mediterranean Diet is nearly the same as the Low-Glycemic diet. Article HERE.
OTHER FAMOUS LOW GLYCEMIC DIETS. The ZONE DIET, The South Beach Diet, The High Fiber Diet,
What is LOW GLYCEMIC DIET? Basically it is a high fiber diet. If 3/4 of what you eat is high fiber, you will automatically be eating a low glycemic diet.
There is a trend these days to totally remove any and all grains, potatoes and sugar from the diet to help with weight loss and protect from disease.
I have tried to eat this way, but immediately felt so hungry. For me the best way to eat for easy weight loss and health is high fiber low bad fat.
High fiber foods will
- Flatten your belly as the fiber cleans out your digestive track.
- Promote clearer head and emotions as blood sugar stabilizes (low glycemic load).
- Help you will feel fuller and not deprived because fiber fills you up.
- Eat less calories because high fiber foods are low in calories.
- Remove toxins from your system because the fiber cleans your gut.
- Slows down aging because insulin will remain stable. Aging is directly related to rising insulin levels in the blood.
“A low-glycemic diet includes moderate amounts of fiber-rich beans, lentils, non-starchy vegetables, fruit and whole grains, as well as lean proteins (fish, skinless poultry, whole soy) and healthy fats (nuts, seeds, avocado, vegetables oils).” Taken from https://www.today.com/health/low-fat-low-carb-or-low-glycemic-study-shows-which-853265.
Here is another article which greatly explains why high fiber is a low glycemic diet. Go HERE.
This is such an easy weight loss system to follow. All you have to do is think about the volume of high fiber foods you are ingesting.
If you peer at a buffet at a party and see green salad, cooked greens, raw fruits and other high fiber foods, you load up on them while minimizing the highly concentrated calories like fried, fatty, white and sweet.
3/4 of your plate should be high fiber.
1/4 of your plate can be lean protein including complex carbohydrates like a whole grain, beans, or even sweet potato.
Minimize the bad stuff made from bad added fats, oils and simple carbohydrates like white pasta, potatoes, desserts and sweets.
Then on a regular day you can choose a bit more carefully.
Actually the Standard American Diet (SAD) is low fiber, high bad fat and sugar. So it is very common when eating out that your choices are a disaster for a healthy frame.
What I do when I see this in front of me and I am starving, is try to pick a high protein choice, eat a bit of it and then later when I have more control over my choices eat more fiber than usual.
I would load up on a salad or vegetables to make up for missing them before.
Keep looking at food as 3/4 fiber and 1/4 lean protein and you will be able to balance everything out over time.
Maximize fiber (automatically you are minimizing simple sugar).
Minimize fats added to foods (automatically you are minimizing refined, bad fats).
If you eat this way your body, blood work and mind will thank you with vitality, vim and vigor.
Choose to lose. Your health and happiness could depend on it.
Spirit Medium Laura
Certified Health Coach, Medical Intuitive, Medium and Healer
Book your private session with Laura at BOOKLAURA.COM