EFFORTLESS EASY WEIGHT LOSS. Don’t sacrifice anything to lose weight! Enjoy eating real, food in large, satisfying quantities.

EFFORTLESS EASY WEIGHT LOSS:  Never Go Hungry Again!  Are you battling with weight?  Do you find all the diets out there very confusing?  Do you believe you have to count calories, go hungry and sacrifice to lose weight?

Think again.  The effortless easy approach to weight loss is to focus on real, whole HIGH FIBER (whole food plant based), LOW (bad) FAT FOODS.   You can eat some good fat (in moderation) when it is in the whole, real food.

This is not a diet.  It is a healthy, actually the healthiest, way to eat.

The rest will all fall into place.  Read on.

This way of eating is a low fat high fiber combination of Mediterranean and Paleo Diet.  I like to call this a “Paliterranean Diet.”  :)

The Paleo Diet is the way a hunter/gatherer might have eaten during the Paleolithic age.  They probably consumed about 100 grams of fiber a day.  The Standard American Diet has about 10 grams of fiber a day!

The Mediterranean diet, available to study today in living cultures, produces populations of people who live longer with less disease as in “The Blue Zones,” according to research led by Dan Buettner in concert with National Geographic magazine.

Here is a link to “The Blue Zones,” which describes how those that eat a plant based diet live longer without disease.  [easyazon_link identifier=”1426209487″ locale=”US” tag=”spiri033-20″]The Blue Zones, Second Edition: 9 Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the Longest[/easyazon_link]

This way of eating is similar to the work of Dr. Mark Hyman, author of New York Times best seller, “What the Heck Should I Eat.”  He calls this diet the “Pegan” diet, combining the concepts of plant based eating with Paleo.

Here is a link to this book:  [easyazon_link identifier=”0316338869″ locale=”US” tag=”spiri033-20″]Food: What the Heck Should I Eat?[/easyazon_link]

This way of eating emphasizes real, whole foods, fruits and vegetables, while minimizing toxins and sugars AUTOMATICALLY!

You will NEVER FEEL HUNGRY.  You might even enjoy your food more because you suddenly discovered what REAL FOOD IS, and love it!

We evolved eating real food, not diet Coke, or Frosted Flakes or Twinkies or anything processed, including pasta, bread, etc.

The fats we ate came right in the food like nuts, avocados, etc.

So how do you effortlessly, easily get lean?

  1. Avoid toxic food (processed).  This would include all simple sugars, man made fats, preservatives, GMOs, pesticides, dyes, chemical flavor enhancers, etc.
  2. Eat whole, clean, organic, real (not processed) food.
  3. Emphasize high fiber plant foods.
  4. Minimize animal foods.
  5. Drink plenty of clean water.
  6. Exercise daily for at least an hour, preferably as part of your day, a natural movement lifestyle.

When I started eating like this, the weight just peeled right off of me.  The less processed my food the more the weight melted away.

Toxins make you fat.  Processed, toxic food stimulates the body to create fat to protect itself from the toxins.

Are you VEGAN, VEGETARIAN, PESCATARIAN, CARNIVORE?   This way of eating can accommodate your eating preference.

So how do you eat to get EFFORTLESS EASY WEIGHT LOSS?  Eat:

  1.  3/4 high fiber fruits and vegetables.
  2. 1/4 lean high quality protein including organic beans, nuts, whole grains, eggs, dairy, fish, fowl and red meat in this order of frequency and priority.

When you eat whole real high fiber foods, you automatically are cutting down on simple sugars and bad fats which is the nemesis of a healthy body.

WHOLE FOODS PLANT BASED.  High fiber low fat is also a version of the Plant Based Whole Foods diet, with flesh foods in small quantities.

PALEO DIET.  This is also a version of a Paleo diet as our ancestors were primarily gatherers with some protein gotten from hunting.

MICRO BIOME.  Have you heard about the importance of gut health?  This diet will help set the flora in your intestines and body to its healthiest balance as plant foods are pre-biotic in nature.   They are the precursors to healthy intestinal flora.

Here is the ideal plate of how you should eat so you can do this effortlessly, easily, simply, on your own, without counting calories, weighing anything or becoming obsessive.

This plate illustrates the High Fiber Low Fat whole real food eating approach.  Taken from https://www.rd.com/health/wellness/mediterranean-diet-infographic/.

Image result for mediterranean diet food plate

Here is the food pyramid for this way of eating.  Taken from https://www.acefitness.org/education-and-resources/lifestyle/blog/6766/what-is-the-mediterranean-diet

BOOK YOUR PRIVATE APPOINTMENT WITH LAURA.  Spirit Medium Laura is a Medical Intuitive Medium and a Certified Health Coach.  Book your private appointment with her at http://BookLaura.com


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