EMOTIONAL VAMPIRES. Someone in your life right now is draining you. Learn how to tell this is happening and what to do about it.
EMOTIONAL VAMPIRES: Are You Being Eaten Alive??
Probably the least obvious toxic relationship is the emotional vampire. These types of individuals show up in your life appearing as “good, benign, having your best interests in mind.”
However, they usually are carrying a broken self, wanting to gain the energy of your spirit, soul and good will. They want your “blood,” so they can flourish.
An emotional vampire cannot feed from someone who is whole, complete and connected to source. So the best way to become immune to them is to work on yourself. More on that later.
If they are around you they can undercut your judgment, spirit and development to break, incomplete and disconnect you from your power. Your vulnerability offers them a chance to control you, feed upon you, eat you alive.
Each relationship is like a mirror to what you need to develop within yourself. If you are in any dysfunctional relationship it is because your soul wants you to develop in some way.
The Emotional Vampire is there for your awakening and growth.
You will realize you have an emotional vampire in your life when you begin to take full responsibility for your own happiness, losses and outcomes, when you take back your power.

So the best way to sift out emotional vampires from your life is to work on your own joy. I call this The JOY Secret.
The more you focus on what makes you happy, journal on it daily, create an affirmation and mantra to reflect this goal, then take steps to bring it into your life, the more you will begin to see all the people in your life that are draining you.
As a matter of fact, all the people that were draining you will fall away, almost magically, without you doing much.
Using The JOY Secret, you can begin to create happiness for yourself following a few simple steps. The steps include becoming aware of what is joyful to you, affirming this and then taking steps to bring it into your life.
When I began to do this, my entire life changed.
Suddenly what was intolerable to me, began to fall away. Relationships, some of the deepest, most ingrained, disappeared.
A toxic lover left me for good.
A close girlfriend imploded and stayed away.
An extremely close life long relationship moved away from me. At first I felt abandoned, alone and afraid, but as I went through the pain, a little voice (the voice of spirit) went off in my head.
It said, “This is the best thing that ever happened to you.”
I thought, “Really?” I could hardly believe that was true.
Since then as I became more skilled at creating my own happiness, rather than waiting for life to arbitrarily deliver it to me, I began to see how I had given my power away to many emotional vampires.
It amuses me when someone comes to me for a reading and asks, “Will I lose weight?” or “Will I get a job?” or “Will I meet a love relationship?”
It really is all up to you! When you get this you are evolving to personal empowerment. Give The JOY Secret a whirl. You will find it works.
There are many EMOTIONAL VAMPIRES! One of the most clearly recognized today is the abusive love relationship. HERE is a good article I wrote on this syndrome.
But as I learned more about this type of emotional abuse, I realized many people seek to take energy from others because they did not learn how to heal themselves and get their energy from higher realms, from God Source.
They did not learn how to create their own happiness!
We are all on earth to learn how to create our own happiness through spiritual connection, not get it from other people, places and things. The only way to have sustainable empowerment is with The JOY Secret.
The JOY Secret Steps.
- Journal every day on what you want in your life.
- Create an affirmation, mantra and prayer for this. Use it throughout the day.
- Take steps to bring this into your life as best you can.
When we realize someone around us is trying to
- tell us what to do before we even asked for their advice,
- control us in subtle, manipulative, destructive ways,
- get us to do things to please them, but not ourselves
you can bet your sweet rolls that individual wants your energy because they feel they do not have their own.
It is like an addiction. They need your blood so they can thrive, thus the term emotional vampires. (Co-dependence is a general term which encompasses much of this abusive behavior.)
I have been seeing this in my own life of late over and over again. It is like an epidemic.
Hopefully this is an eye opener for you, or helpful in some way.
Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private session with Laura HERE.