Energy Healing for Grief and loss. This is a channeled energy healing protocol developed for use in a client session.
PREREQUISITE: Otherside mediumship should have been done before doing an Energy Healing for Grief, not in place of it.
After an otherside mediumship session, a client asked if I would do energy healing for her grief.
In preparation for the session I asked my spiritual guides for a protocol. This is what they gave me.
Energy Healing for Grief – DIY or Private Session
You can do this healing on yourself or in a healing session with Spirit Medium Laura. Book HERE.
The following is the actual channeled description of this healing protocol followed by a summary of the steps.
Start of Channeling
Channeled Basic Healing Protocol for Grief – Channeled Energy Healing for Grief
Grief and loss are a difficult thing. Each soul must understand that loss and mourning go deeper than physical separation.
There is something more. There is the knowledge that each soul is eternal and does not die.
When a soul knows this there is no loss. There is no grief.
It is the knowing they are not alone that counts. This is instrumental in their healing.
They need to feel they are not alone. They need to feel they are connected.
So when someone feels alone and lost with grief they need to know and feel they are not alone.
Connecting Both Souls in the White Sphere – Energy Healing for Grief
The solar plexus is the chakra to focus on to create this knowing and feeling. This chakra stores status in the material realm.
When one feels alone their solar plexus needs to be reconnected to the loved one in spirit by visualizing each together in an energy sphere.
Start by visualizing to create a large sphere of white light.
Have both party’s enter the sphere.
Visualize them facing each other in the white light sphere.
Connect them with a chord of light and love energy.
This chord starts in the heart chakra, as a green light, then channels out as gold through the solar plexus.
The medium guides the client to visualize green light (love) channeling from their heart chakra down into their solar plexus.
In the solar plexus it changes to gold as it moves out to the other person. Once the light is in the recipient it channels up to their heart chakra as green light.
This is a flow of energy from one heart to the other through the Solar Plexus.
This reconnects the soul on earth to the soul in spirit so the feeling of loss and separation is obliterated.
Releasing Emotional Blocks
After doing this the medium must check to see if there are any outstanding remaining issues between these two souls.
The medium asks spirit to reveal any blocks remaining between both souls to experiencing full love from each other.
These issues could be in any chakra, but would probably primarily reside in the solar plexus. Spirit would have lodged them there as information packets communicated as a color representing the chakra that is blocked.
For example if there is a bright red light in the solar plexus of both or just one soul while in the healing globe of white light, this would be suggestive of some insecurity of being loved completely.
Perhaps the soul on earth never felt loved completely by the soul in spirit.
A feeling of never being fully loved by the soul now in spirit could keep the soul on earth in a tangential loop, never resolved, unless it is seen clairvoyantly and released.
These individuals perhaps never expressed their love for each other or one for the other fully and completely.
This could make loss and grief more complicated.
How to Release the Unhealed Blocks – Energy Healing for Grief
After seeing the block as a color in the solar plexus, you will release it by understanding the issue. The medium will then state this understanding to the soul on earth for release.
After stating the block white light is then washed over the solar plexus and then yellow light. The white light releases the energy imprint. The yellow light brings the solar plexus back to its right vibration.
Other blocks can be seen in the solar plexus and released in this way.
Finishing the Healing
The subject of the healing, the one left on earth, will benefit more if you add pink light to their form after the above healing is made.
Then add yellow light as well for solar plexus. This allows a healing from physical loss between the two souls to a spiritual energy connection.
Finish with violet light to finalize the healing.
Visualize the light fading away.
End the healing.
End of channeled healing protocol.
Summary of Steps for Energy Healing
The Medium
- Visualizes sphere of white light. Has both souls enter this sphere.
- Connects both souls visualizing a beam of yellow light linking each solar plexus.
- Connects love using beam of green light from each heart chakra using the solar plexus connection.
- Asks for blocks. Blocks in the relationship between both souls will be revealed in their chakras. For example the color red in the throat chakra of one soul indicates an inability to communicate love to the other soul. This is a very flexible process which spirit can use to reveal blocks clairvoyantly through the chakras as well as directly through messages or in any other way needed.
- Receives, reveals and releases blocks in this way.
- Says a channeled affirmative prayer to set intention of healing.
- Channels pink, yellow and then violet over both souls in the sphere.
- Visualizes the violet light fading away.
- Completes healing.
Does Energy Healing Work?
I found this quote from an article on Healthline HERE which states, “Energy healing can be used as a complementary practice alongside other types of therapy and medical treatment. There’s no evidence that energy healing can cure specific physical or mental health conditions.”
Book your private appointment with spirit through Laura at