Want relief from a repeating pattern in your life, nothing seems to help? Access to healing at the etheric level could help.
My sister had such a problem with her hips, knees, back and feet. No matter what kind of therapy she did she was in agony most of the time.
Since she and her husband are social dancers this became a life style issue. Would she be able to dance again?
What would her husband do if she could not dance? This was a passion they shared between them.
This pain issue had been going on and off for years.
She would find one therapy that would work for a while. Then it would not.
I, her sister, would get bits and pieces of this agony, but since I live in a different city, I did not see the extent of this until I went to visit them for a dance weekend.
The first night was a lot of fun, but the next morning, I awoke in their house to the sounds of groans and whimpers.
Here we were at a dance event which was to last for days, but she could not participate. In addition, I had traveled to share this event with them.
Finally, after I realized what was happening, I offered to do some spiritual energy healing and body work with her.
What transpired was amazing.
When I work with clients I do a form of healing with Divine Beings. These energy entities are the same as those to famed Brazilian Healer John of God, St. Ignatius Loyola. I did not know this until 30 years later.
They come in with energy and messages which address the soul and body on a deep Akashic level.
Here is more information about St. Igatius Loyola as Ascended Master, Dom Ignacio from this page:
“Ascended Master for Energy Healing.
Ascended Master Dom Ignacio is here to help us with physical and etheric body healing. Dom Ignacio’s last life was as a priest – better known as St Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order. There are churches dedicated to him throughout South America and around the world. If he appears in form, it is often in red and with a balding head of dark hair. He is the Master who works with John of God. He has a great love for humanity and understands the pains of the physical body, having lived much of his last life in constant pain from a leg injury received in the Battle of Pamplona. Most illnesses manifest in the physical body from the etheric so he is here to help us with etheric body healing as well. You can see from his colors he is a third ray master, the pink ray of unconditional love.“
This type of Etheric Body Healing includes exploration of past lives, soul contracts, karmic wheels (repeating patterns), as well as, the exact place in the body of the pain, what to do about it, how it was created, both physically and spiritually, channeled prayers for recognizing, reflection and release.
This all happened with my sister.
One of the most noteworthy concepts, is what spirit called Karmic Wheels. We can think of this as a circle, or a repeating pattern we do not escape until we are ready to leave it!
A Karmic Wheel is a repeating pattern your soul creates to evolve from fear to love.

Once we understand why we created it, we have a chance to release it.
Each type of suffering we have is a Karmic Wheel. We could continue repeating the pattern forever if we do not grow!
When we gain the consciousness to exit we are freed from it.
There are endless Karmic Wheels in which we can participate, each created by our soul for growth.
My sister, the Divine Beings said, was caught in the Karmic Wheel of “I must suffer to earn love from others. I do not feel worthy of love unless I earn it with suffering, service, toil and trouble.”
Spirit revealed she had been a slave in another life time but this Karmic Wheel was no longer relevant in her current life.
She could receive love without earning it. She was completely worthy of love as she was.
She was asked if she would accept this and she did.
She felt better when we were through for a while UNTIL her first dance at the event. Then everything fell apart.
She was in agony again, her pain magnified by the fear of what this meant. Maybe she would need a hip replacement. Maybe she would end up in a wheel chair, never finding relief!
I HAD ANOTHER IDEA. At the event I noticed the sale of magnetic bracelets, advertised as useful for relieving pain in the body. I decided to get her one.
Immediately upon placing it on her wrist her pain began to subside. By the next morning it was almost all gone.
Did the bracelet or the Etheric Energy healing do the healing?
The woman sitting next to her at the event tried the very same bracelet for her body pain over night and had NO relief. This woman I noticed was extremely negative about everything around her in general.
It was no mystery she would not get a healing from the bracelet or even Etheric Energy healing and perhaps any medical treatment she received. When we are negative in our outlook, we push away our good.
With the reveal of this woman’s lack of results from wearing the bracelet, I was now convinced my sister’s healing did not come from the bracelet.
After spending four days in a row dancing without pain, my sister created a family day before I left.
She invited her two sons to her house for a family dinner, having cooked a big meal for us all. She had no pain during this event.
Suddenly her husband noted she was NOT wearing the magnetic bracelet at all that day. No pain, but NO bracelets!
So what happened here? Was it the Esoteric Energy Healing or was it the bracelet?
I feel it was my sister’s belief that she could finally drop the Karmic Wheel of suffering for love that did the healing. The bracelet helped her believe she could receive this healing, because it was tangible.
Healing is believing you can be healed, then accepting it. The patient is the healer of him or herself.
When we do not believe we can be healed or that our illness can be shifted we are blocking the healing.
All healing is done by the patient when the subconscious receives and accepts the instruction to heal itself!
THERE IS NO OBJECTIVE REALITY! There is only a subjective one in which we reside.
If you feel things are happening to you, think again. Each of us creates the drama we are experiencing.
The miracle of Etheric Energy Healing is its ability to reveal the Karmic Wheel to the patient for its release, if accepted.
This article is to inspire you with a miracle, how it happened and how you can participate in one should you desire to participate in your healing.
Spirit Medium Laura