EVIDENCE FROM OTHERSIDE. How a mother in spirit produced a teddy bear as evidence just as my client began to reveal extreme emotional turmoil.
Mercury must be retrograde. Today everything seemed to be going wrong and working with a client was not any different.
Everything was going along smoothly until my client asked me after all her time had come up to get a message from her mother in spirit.
This is not something you can do quickly or hastily, but a channeled message did come through from her mother, which was valid, but not specific enough for my client.
“Ok,” I thought, “I will remain calm and try to give my client what she is asking.”
I knew however, that bringing forth evidence when a client demands it to the client’s steadfast designation usually is a fool’s pursuit. Spirit does not work well with demands put upon it.
But I proceeded bravely forward. I say “bravely” because my client seemed to be a bit agitated.
I had no idea what was going on in the background. My client had seemed reasonable enough during the session earlier.
My client asked for something to let her know it was really her mother. I proceeded. All these words of description like hair color, personality and attitude flowed through my lips from the mother in spirit.

Still my client was not complete. She asked again.
Her mother said through me to her daughter, “Stop making that face from crying.”
I asked my client, “Are you crying?”
She said, “Yes.”
I had heard something in the background but there was a lot of noise on the line so I did not think it anything other than that.
I began to get a bit desperate and did not know what to do. You cannot force a spirit to give the message the client wants, but my client was extremely agitated.
It was not just a few minutes before this all began I had advised my client to seek medical help as she had revealed she was not eating, nor sleeping and saw ghosts in the house.
But as I sat there becoming desperate, not knowing what to do, the mother in spirit showed me a “teddy bear.”
The mother said, “Here is your teddy bear. Hold it.”
I asked my client, “Is a teddy bear significant to you?”
I was feeling rather feeble and foolish, but relayed the message anyway, half expecting my client to get angry and deny its importance.
However, much to my amazement, after the few moments it took for my client to process this message, my client said, “Yes, a teddy bear is important to me! You have gotten it!”
“Gotten what?” I said.
She replied, “The Teddy Bear is something extremely significant for me. When I was 3 years old my teddy bear was taken from me, lost or somehow disappeared.
At that time I was inconsolable. My mother found it again 11 years later and gave it to me.
That Teddy Bear was a significant symbol of love and connection from my mother to me.”
Whew! Was I happy that her mother was able to give her something so significant and meaningful, as my client was going through a very difficult time in her life.
I tell you this story so you know this, and can remember how spirit provides evidence, providing you knowledge, you are not alone, heaven is real and our loved ones are just a veil away.
Spirit Medium Laura