Evidential Mediumship for Closure. Gain closure through the miracle of evidential mediumship with humans and pets.
The Loss of a Pet – Evidential Mediumship for Closure
This week one of my sessions was with a woman who had lost her dog. She needed closure because the dog’s transition was unexpected and not fully explained by the veterinarian.
After I made a psychic connection to the client the dog came in loud and clear.
First I could see the dog, describing what I saw exactly. It looked like a boxer, but I just gave a description of what I saw, not a name for the breed.
The owner confirmed what I described as accurate.

Next the dog took me to his abdomen and explained that he had eaten something he thought was a toy, but turned out to be stuck in his stomach, not passing through.
The owner could not confirm this because she did not know about it, but did confirm the following.
The dog then showed me he had been writhing in pain while on his side and back with his front legs bent to his chest. The owner confirmed this symptom.
Then the dog showed me he was taken to a veterinarian. The dog telepathically conveyed he threw up while under anesthesia.
Telepathy means I received information in my head explaining what had happened.
The owner explained the dog indeed had been taken to a vet, but had thrown up after he was awakened from the anesthesia.
The dog explained he had choked while throwing up as if he had been trying to dislodge the “toy” from his belly.
The dog conveyed he thought it was a spider, but it was not organic in nature, more like plastic.

Evidential Mediumship Can Help Gain Closure
At the end of the session the owner conveyed to me she had found the session very helpful for her to gain closure.
I share this with you to illustrate how a medium can provide evidence which helps a sitter gain an understanding, and perhaps closure from a session.
In contrast I ran into a past client at a gathering I went to this weekend. During our conversation she told me how she will never be able to gain closure for the murder of her son.
Evidential Mediumship Might Not Provide Closure
While our session a few years ago did not provide as much accurate evidence as described above, she has found some sessions with other mediums did provide great evidence.
Yet because of the nature of the way her son transitioned it is difficult for her to gain closure.
I hope this article gives you an idea of how evidential mediumship can help or not necessarily help when someone has lost a loved one.
Spirit Medium Laura