EVIDENTIAL MEDIUMSHIP: A Profound Research Session. Spirit delivers in this research session evidence so profound you might find it miraculous or spooky.
- A Voices Across the Veil research session brought in four of five sitters with similar losses. Each had lost a son to suicide.
- The last sitter almost did not have a chance to get this validation, but spirit knocked her off the video conference before I had a chance to end it. This reset the psychic connection. Her son came in right away after that.
- This is a way I think for spirit to show us not only evidential mediumship, but offer another layer of validation. Spirit not only matched attendees by type of loss they had, but as well, spirit made sure the last attendee got her validation through a mysterious electronic glitch.
- I used two new mediumship techniques for this research event. The first was I meditated on a point of light for a few minutes to enhance focus. The second was following spirit’s lead of which sitter to take next, assuming the evidence would better unfold. In this example, spirit used the last sitter to amplify our awareness of their presence.
During a recent Voices Across the Veil research session spirit successfully coordinated four unrelated sitters with sons who took their own lives into the same session.
Unplanned and unknown to me each sitter in attendance had lost a son to suicide.
Spirit coordinated this synchronicity to demonstrate beyond the standard of evidential mediumship these children are alive and well in spirit.
Spirit got each unrelated sitter who had lost a son to suicide to book the same research session at the same time on the same day.
It was like spirit was saying, “Your sons are alive and well. We connected all of you to them in the same session for additional validation!”

Since this is being done by a research effort with great visibility, it offers spirit a chance to demonstrate their reality to a wide audience.
Not only did spirit match the audience by the type of loss they had, but during the session an additional layer of evidence was provided by spirit.
After working with four of the five sitters, I began to work with the last one. The connection to spirit with her was weak.
Finally, I announced that this connection was blocked and stopped to ask spirit for help.
As soon as I finished, we tried again. The connection was still blocked.
I was about to quit trying with her as it seemed to no avail. Then a strange thing happened.
Before I was able to quit, she got knocked off of the video conference, so I could not.
The researcher and I decided to do Q&A waiting for her to return. After answering a few questions there was no sign of this last sitter returning, so the researcher was about to end this session.
After all, we had had such profound sittings earlier, with what we had already, we would have completed quite a session.
However, spirit had another synchronicity waiting for us. Just as we were going to close the session, I was inspired to add another point.
Then, exactly when I finished this point, the absent sitter appeared again.
This prescient arrival allowed me to continue with her. All of a sudden the connection to spirit was no longer blocked.
I had asked spirit to unblock it. Here it was now unblocked. I believe spirit was able to reboot the vibration between us.
As I plowed forward, I quickly saw her son in spirit. He told me right away that he was sorry. He took responsibility for his transition.
We all sat there in awe at the marvelous coordination from spirit. It seems to us on the earth plane that it is impossible to do this, but apparently in the realm of spirit this is very possible.
- A Voices Across the Veil research session brought in four of five sitters with similar losses. Each had lost a son to suicide.
- The last sitter almost did not have a chance to get this validation, but spirit knocked her off the video conference before I had a chance to end it. This reset the psychic connection. Her son came in right away after that.
- This is a way I think for spirit to show us not only evidential mediumship, but offer another layer of validation. Spirit not only matched attendees by type of loss they had, but as well, spirit made sure the last attendee got her validation through a mysterious electronic glitch.
- I used two new mediumship techniques for this research event. The first was I meditated on a point of light for a few minutes to enhance focus. The second was following spirit’s lead of which sitter to take next, assuming the evidence would better unfold. In this example, spirit used the last sitter to amplify our awareness of their presence.
Thank you spirit,
Your servant,
Hi Barbara! So great to hear from you. Sorry for delay in responding. The picture looks like it is no longer visible so we will have to trust it was a hawk for your validation. Sending hugs, Laura
Hi, Laura… Pendulum still quivering… LOL. I was wondering what kind of bird was in that beautiful photo. I have an Indian spirit guide named High Hawk and a falcon animal spirit. It kind of looks like a hawk and I was hoping it was a subtle symbolic “Hello” from High Hawk!
Love and Light… 👱🏻Barbara Larkin