EXPLORING PAST LIVES with Akashic Mediumship. EXPLORING PAST LIVES is possible using what I call Akashic Mediumship. This article demonstrates two cases where past lives were verified.
When in a trance, you as a medium have access to all information past, present and future with the Angelic Guides leading you forward.
All I have to do as the medium is simply sit back and enjoy the journey.
In a session yesterday I was working with a client in England via Skype. She wanted to know about any past lives she had had with her son.
Spirit gave the name “Atillius,” to sitter as we perused this life time with her. Spirit said she had been a cousin to this Roman Emperor.
I looked it up later, as I was curious.
Indeed there had been a Roman Emperor named A. Vitellius. It was so exciting to get so close of a confirmation!

A while before I had honed my mediumship abilities, but was an advanced channeler, my sister asked me to bring in a life time important to this life time.
I was immediately brought to a life time where she was a Maian Goddess. Spirit took special care to spell this name to me. It was spelled, “M A I A N,” spirit explained, not “M A Y A N,” as I was erroneously thinking.
They explained she had lived in southern Italy during a pre-Christian era and had been a healer of animals and people using herbs.
They showed me her clad in a white robe with a golden metal brace on her upper arm similar to pictures of women of that time.

I looked up “Maian,” and discovered it was a Roman religion similar to the Gaian religion of Greece. I was shocked!
Some of the background of the Maia religion in Rome is introduced HERE.
Each time I work with spirit something else happens which brings me closer and closer to knowing the physical world in which we live is simply a small part of all reality.
Spirit Medium Laura