I believe I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome because I did once have Mononucleosis and was recently tested positive for Epstein Barr virus.  But when I “Google” the word fatigue this morning, a funny thing happened.

I discovered most people in Western Society are fatigued, not just me.  Now come to think of it, Ariana Huffington, the publisher of Huffinton Post, has just published a book called Sleep.”  This book goes into first the epidemic of exhaustion that is sweeping Western culture, why this is happening and finally what to do to improve your sleep.

The first thing she mentions is your attitude.  A prevalent attitude in Western Society perhaps is that sleep is a waste of time, you will do it when you are dead, permanently.  :)

As well, it is macho to push through fatigue, lazy not to do so.  This article will explore why it is smart to rest when you are fatigue, as well as a cornerstone of self care and self love.

Getting enough sleep, or better put, productive rest, is the cornerstone of LIVING your life to the fullest, now for the better.

Good sleep improves memory, functionality, reflexes, sex and overall performance of the human genome.  It is the magical elixir for success in life.

So let’s all take a toast to sleep and get ready now for some ideas on how to improve your life with the proper rest, moving away from fatigue forever.

1.  Attitude.  Fatigue is GOOD!  It is your body’s way of saying slow down, eat better, take care of yourself, follow your dreams, and take more time to dream during sleep!   Next time you catch yourself thinking that the only activity in your life worth doing is going going going, think again.  Resting is integral to success in life.

2.  BODY.

Diet.  REAL FOOD ONLY!  Ensure you eat a great diet on a regular basis.  Fighting fatigue with the correct foods, will not only improve your sleep time, but as well, improve the amount of energy you have during your away time.
-Eat 3 parts vegetables to one part organic meat, fish and complex carbs.
-Eliminate sugar, white flower and/or alcohol (except for the occasional glass of high quality red wine). real food, concentrated.  NO CANDY or SWEETS!
-Go light on refined fats and oils of any kind.
Water.  Drink a glass of filtered water before bed, 2 in morning, 1 before each meal.  Helps with elimination and metabolism of food nutrients.
-Coffee and/or caffeinated beverages are fine in moderation, but upon awakening, not at bedtime.
Exercise.  If you exercise during day you will be able to rest when you sleep better and deeper.  Minimum:  1/2 hour a day for 5 days a week of brisk walking.
Hormonal Balance.  As a woman I know having hormonal balance is integral to deep, restful sleep.  In particular estrogen dominance is the culprit for restful sleep.  A doctor needs to be consulted for this.

3.  FUN, happiness, something to look forward to.  Fatigue I believe is a sign you are not having enough fun in your life.  You are driving yourself with over achieving, getting that next thing done, self abnegation and punishment, no self love or nurturing, etc.

If you are fatigued you are probably not having fun.  We are going to concentrate on fun right now.

EXERCISE.  Take a couple of breathes to relax and center. If you have enough time to take a meditation even better.

Site with pen and pad.  Begin to write about those things that you would like more of in your life, those things that would bring you pleasure, be fun and you are just drooling to do!

Now take a moment to set a plan about how you will add one of these things into each day until you have created the habit of FUN to FIGHT FATIGUE.

YES!  When you live in the mode of FUN, you will rarely have FATIGUE.


Spirit Medium Laura

Book your private session with Spirit Medium Laura at http://BookLaura.com