Fear of Being Alone – Loneliness. We are never alone. Find out why you are never alone because you are a part of the spiritual world.
The other day I met a woman who was filled with anxiety, fear and depression about being totally alone. Her entire family had transitioned.
She had no one with which to spend the holidays. It was getting harder and harder for her to leave her house, so despondent she had become.

Why We Are Never Alone – Fear of Being Alone
I responded,
“You are never alone. No one is.
Even if you see no human your loved ones do exist in spirit. Spiritual guides and higher energy begins are all around you. There is a higher world of love of which you are a part.”
I told her that if she knew this she would begin to heal, to find a feeling of being needed, loved and connected.

A Story About the Spiritual World – Fear of Being Alone
When my mother was in hospice, I went to visit her every day. This was before I decided to develop my mediumship ability.
As she approached the day of her final transition I found her room harder and harder to enter. Not because she was ill, but for a joyful discovery.
There were souls in the room with her.
I would enter the room and start to ache as I felt the energy of these entities about me.
I did not know what was happening, but it felt like I was walking right through them.
Anyway, as I sat one day visiting my mother and literally being pushed around by these energy beings, my mother noticed from her Morphine coma.
She said to me, “You feel them don’t you?”
I laughed and said, “Yes.”
In that one moment I knew so clearly how we are never alone, never will be alone and as we approach transition we begin to see these beings around us.

Story About Spirit Visits – Fear of Being Alone
Here is a story from a Hospice social worker about similar connections,
“One gentleman asked his son why his sister in law was visiting them. She lived across the country. He was adamant about seeing her standing by his bed the night before.
His son was unsettled as the woman had died two weeks before. The family did not tell this patient about her death for fear of upsetting him but he said he enjoyed her visit.”

Spirit Is Our Real Family
Everything else is an illusion.
If we could know this while still in this dimension we would understand how loved we are. How we matter. How we are never alone.
One might realize how we can seek help from the divine plane when we want to heal, manifest and live our best life possible.
When you begin to include a spiritual context into your physical existence happiness is easier, life is guided, you feel and are guided.
Today step into this idea to lead your best life.
Know you are NEVER ALONE.
Spirit Medium Laura