Fifth Dimension of Consciousness. As you evolve from separateness to oneness you will experience new and unlimited levels of supply.

What is Fifth Dimension of Consciousness?
“The 5th dimension is an elevated, brighter, and lighter version of 3-D Earth. It’s as if Earth split away from the 3rd dimensional matrix and simultaneously existing on a higher vibration that is less dense, very elevating of mood and consciousness and one feels very aligned with flow and grace and peace. Things that are in alignment for us manifest quickly and there is no mind work involved. It is a heart – centered reality. Therefore to access it we must keep the emotions are balanced and calm.” Taken from Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine.
This is a real thing I have experienced early in my life. I have pre-life memory of planning this life time to come back and be a Starseed, a Lightworker who has come to earth to herald in this new energy.

A Third Dimension (3D) Story – A Story of Scarcity
I was at a party on New Years Eve, got into an altercation with someone about seating based on a scarcity mindset of not enough and VOILA!
I got sick for the next six weeks with a cold, then a “sock it to you” fever that felt like a train had run me over!
This fever was so high and came on so violently I thought I could die!
Mind you I had not been seriously ill for about five years before this, thinking I had cultivated a “bulletproof” immune system.
Anyway, now that I am feeling better, I had an insight. (This is the way spirit works with me.)
I remembered my immune system was dependent as much on consciousness as it was on diet, exercise, supplements and so on.
Scarcity Is Opposite of Fifth Dimension of Consciousness
I had fallen into the 3rd dimension of consciousness that evening. I fed the illusion of scarcity.
I did not want to go to the party, but went there because everyone else was going and I did not want to feel alone on New Years Eve.
I was afraid of feeling alone! Feeling alone is a scarcity mindset, a symptom of 3D Consciousness.
Ironically, I ended up feeling alone at the party, even though I tried to pretend I was connected and happy.
The Fifth Dimension of Consciousness Says, “Align or Die!”
As a highly sensitive empath, I critically experience the energies of Fifth Dimensional Consciousness or the lack thereof.
If I do not align I feel it more than others. I am more sensitive to energy around me.
If you are an empath or highly sensitive person the opportunity now is to align with this consciousness or leave earth!
In contrast, a less intuitive or less sensitive individual can remain and thrive in the harsher energies of 3rd dimensional consciousness.
Many Lightworkers incarnated today (like myself) are supposed to be bringing in these new energies to earth, to assist with the evolution of mankind to a higher state of ONENESS.
Highly Sensitive Empaths cannot survive in 3D consciousness.

Oneness Is LOVE
Here is a channeling from The Ones that will complete this explanation.
I did not realize The Ones who have been coming through me for the last few years are the consciousness of the 5th Dimension. They are the consciousness of One!

Channeling Begins
In the mindset of Oneness there is no lack. There is no scarcity. There is only LOVE.
That may sound a bit abstract but it is the case.
The ability to access a profound sense of peace, joy, material support on earth is this oneness.
This means you ARE it all, not that you can be it all.
You ARE complete, now, as I am writing this.
Your job is to find out how to turn it on. It is already within you, but you continue to act like it is not.
So the way to turn it on, to turn on your fully loaded resource system is to
- Acknowledge you are infinite abundance now.
- Take time every day to discover how to complete this abundance.
- Ask what you want, how you feel and
- Take action to support this information.
How does a person enter the 5th Dimensional Consciousness of Oneness?
This consciousness is your consciousness now.
It is there all the time. It has never left any one of you.
Each of you is a tower, a beacon, of hope for humanity. Each of you has the ability right now to turn it on, the power within you that seeks to express.
This power is LOVE in its purest sense.
It means you are GOOD to yourself. You ask yourself what you need right now in the moment of one.
In this moment of oneness, of the now, there is only one energy and it is love itself.
Love means you are kind first to yourself, then to others.
You literally ask yourself what makes you feel good on a daily, moment to moment basis, then add that into your self.
If you are struggling with something now, you need to let it go. You need to find its remedy, its opposite.
You need to take action to fulfill your dreams your aspirations your talents.
You cannot help people unless you have helped yourself first, even if you are a caretaker of others.
You need to let go of useless obedience to a cause that does not fulfill you any longer.
This is a task of vigilance. You need to check in with YOU every day, and at times each second within each day.
The more you follow your intuitive feelings on this YOU subject, the more your life begins to shift into the consciousness of infinite abundance, because you were its doorkeeper all along!
You were the ONE to turn it on or off.
So when you have a feeling, a strong feeling to do something, to make a change, to uproot yourself from where you are, to try or do something else, DO IT!
Now is the time that your shifts will be generously rewarded with a new earth of love.

This is the time to shift!
Do not ask yourself any longer how you can be happy.
Be happy now by taking steps to support your feelings.
A new earth is upon us.
Ride the wave!
The Ones
Thank you so much Nancy. Honor to communicate with you as your background is quite vast, advanced and developed. From one old soul to another Namaste!
I found this article very helpful and incredibly intuitive. I truly feel that Laura is the “real deal” and speaks from a center of truth and knowledge. I look forward to reading more articles from her and following her online to benefit from her depth of “knowing” . I have worked with many excellent psychics in my day, but Laura has something that none of them has…a compassionate, steady, ethical and loving way to convey messages.