FIND LOVE: LOVE Is a Very Special Number. Are you looking for love in all the wrong ways? Be love by choosing what you love. Love will then find you.
This morning I suddenly heard in my head, “Love is a very special number.” I wondered what that meant so decided to channel on it.
Dear Spirit Guides what does “‘Love is a very special number,’ mean?”
We are the Ones. Love is a special vibration.
This is a very special number for no one knows what that vibration is for themselves.
Each person has a specific love vibration reflected in a tonal unit called a number.
A number is a tonal unit of love. So when we say love is a very special number, we mean love is a very special vibration or tone or note.
The othersisde thinks of love differently than you on earth do.
In spirit we reveal to each other our tone or vibration of love, who we really are, what note we vibrate at and how we can uniquely combine with another note for love.
When one finds the right note within them self they will attract their counterpart.
So love your self first to find the right note or number for you.
Be your very special number. Then you will attract your very special counterpart.
The Ones

Earlier today I was thinking of some friends of mine.
They wanted to potentially meet a love interest by going to a bar at happy hour. Their criteria for choosing the place was how many people would be there.
Another friend of theirs differed in her choice of happy hours. She was leaning towards going to a place which was beautiful for the experience itself, not necessarily how many people would be there.
This is a great example of how to be on point for your love number (vibration) so you can attract in your corresponding counterpart.
Choose what you love to do, what you love in general, and you are more likely to attract the correct counterpart for you in love.
Spirit Medium Laura