How Do You Find Your Purpose In Life? What do you think your true calling is? Finding your life purpose begins when you let go of what you do not like.
This article is part of the Life Purpose Series listed here:
- Why Is It Important to Find Your Purpose in Life?
- How Do You Find Your Purpose In Life?
- How to Find the Right Career for Me
- What Is My Purpose In Life Quiz
- How to Get Into a Flow State
This may take a lot of courage, but it must be done. If you stick with suffering in a life of quiet desperation, your true calling will be hidden from you.
It is only by letting go of what you do NOT want, creating that vacuum of uncertainty, that your soul’s purpose will emerge.

Allowing Your Calling to Appear. How Do You Find Your Purpose in Life?
Have you ever met or known someone who appears to have everything fall into place in their life?
You probably have, and you’ve probably questioned why their lives are so wonderful and why they always appear to be so content and joyful.
This is a simple question with a simple solution. These folks have had the courage to allow their actual calling in life to appear.
Because their lives are inundated with meaning and purpose, these people are happy and satisfied. Everything in life appears to be brighter, metaphorically speaking.
Even when these people meet adversity, they are better equipped to accept it and deal with it because they understand that it is connected to their mission.
If you are wondering if this is true, consider the words of Deepak Chopra from the book, “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.”
“According to this law [the law of Dharma], you have a unique talent and a unique way of expressing it. There is something that you can do better than anyone else in the whole world–and for every unique talent and unique expression of that talent, there are also unique needs. When these needs are matched with the creative expression of your talent, that is the spark that creates affluence. Expressing your talents to fulfill needs creates unlimited wealth and abundance.”
Because there are so many things a person can do with their life, it’s understandable that many people feel lost and don’t know where to start when it comes to discovering their true calling. This post will help to address this.

Find Your Dharma. How Do You Find Your Purpose In Life?
If true happiness is what you desire in life, do not focus on more money or to become famous. You must figure out what your service is in life. This is called your Dharma.
Some people may find this easier than others, and some people may never find out what their calling is in their entire lives. These folks frequently feel unfinished and as if their lives have been a complete waste of time.
Your life is valuable and should not be squandered.
You must figure out what your genuine service is, not only for yourself, but also for the greater good of the planet. This calling is part of your life plan for a reason.
Whether you realize it or not, everything you do has an immediate impact on the rest of the world. The ripple effect is the term for this. The first ripples will be modest, but as they spread out, they will become more larger.
The same may be said for your behaviors and the things you decide to do with your life. You will not be able to project those positive waves if you do not uncover your genuine service, and hence will not be able to achieve your life’s plan.

Follow Your Instincts. How Do You Find Your Purpose In Life?
Your soul set up this life to place you in direct connection to what your purpose is. Usually your purpose is hidden under a direct conflict to what you are doing now. So pay attention to this.
In my case, I was born into a family where intuition was not supported. My father stressed we do what we do not like just to make money. He also thought anything intuitive was silly and a waste of time.
So I spent many years ignoring my natural instinct to do creative and intuitive things, in favor of doing work I hated just for the money.
I made the money, but that effort chewed up 17 years of my life doing work I detested. Then I lost the money within five years of obtaining it.
You see it does not pay to be someone else. True abundance comes by following your bliss, what you love and what you seem to have a talent to do.
When you do you access an energy that was there all along which will support your efforts. You will find achieving desires on point for your purpose to be magical supported by intuitive hunches and lucky coincidences.
Another Example. Let’s say this life time you were born to drug addicted parents and you see the same destructive pattern emerging in yourself.
Finally you decide rather than live in this destructive pattern you will take steps to overcome it. Your story of getting your life back holds within it much passion for you. Not only did you overcome your addiction, but you feel you would like to help others do the same.

Letting Go of Karma. How Do You Find Your Purpose In Life?
By Learning How to Let Go of Resistance to your Kharma you begin to see your life purpose. Resistance to your negative situation. your Kharma, holds you tied to it.
This syndrome is called The Spiritual Law of Nonresistance. What we resist persists.
When you stay stuck in a negative pattern you cannot hear your soul speaking to you about your positive purpose.
Letting Go can be done with many holistic healing modalities. Here are some of them.
- Meditation. Here is a link to a free sample of the Sacred Sound Healing and 5 Minute Meditation series. Go HERE.
- Chakra Therapy. This is a link to a Chakra Healing Kit recommended for its easy accessibility and inexpensive price point. Go HERE.
- Rebirthing.
- Emotional Freedom Technique
I wrote an entire course on this complete with Letting Go meditations and activities in it. I call this Soul Abundance. You can watch a free video introducing it on this, Course #1. Here is the introductory video.
A Secret to Letting Go Is to Take Responsibility For Yourself
Learn how to live your life and make your own dreams come true. Don’t look at others and feel envious of what they have or wish you could have their life and benefits.
Once you take responsibility for what is happening to you, you will begin to see your purpose. You will begin to see what you want out of life and how you want your life to be.
You will begin to be able to start living your own dream instead of attempting to live someone else’s!
Explore Your Purpose With Trusted Sages. How Do You Find Your Purpose In Life?
Explore your purpose with those you trust and who will listen to what you have to say.
Also, strive to communicate with people who provide genuine input and suggestions, rather than those that merely agree with what you’re saying or respond with a single word.
Other people, particularly the elderly, can provide invaluable insight, therefore it’s a good idea to seek their counsel on finding your life’s calling.
Spiritual psychics who can read for you at a soul level like a medium, can be invaluable in this quest, as can be a great Astrologer, Numerologist or other intuitive reader using tools that can see your deeper self.
They might recognize skills you don’t even realize you have.

Conclusion: How Do You Find Your Purpose In Life?
I would say the most important beginning clue to find your purpose in life is finding your biggest obstacle this life time. What is your systemic negative pattern which challenges you at your very core?
The opposite of this pattern is your purpose.
Sending you great love and healing. The next post will discuss how to access your intuition to help discover and uncover your soul purpose.
Spirit Medium Laura
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