FORGIVE and HEAL. How to forgive everyone including you so you can manifest with ease.
Have you been blocked in an area of your life? Do you keep trying to manifest something over and over, yet never attain your dream?
There probably is a hidden forgiveness issue under this goal. Blocked dreams are there to help you evolve.
Get the block, understand, then release it and the goal comes to you easier.
So today we are going to discuss a way to unblock your heart, to open your energetic channel to receive.
Step 1. Think for a moment about an area of your life which seems to be unhealed. No matter what you do, reaching the goal you have set in this area, still has evaded you.
You try every form of manifesting you understand, from prayer, to creative visualization, to meditation, to vision boards to whatever. Yet, this goal remains unrealized.
Under every unrealized goal is a clue to someone or something you have not forgiven.
Write this unrealized goal down.
Step 2. Now take a daydream about this goal. Explore how it would feel to have it. What would change in your life.
Step 3. Now stay in this space for a moment or two longer. What comes up for you? Is there a person that just entered your vision field?
Maybe you thought about yourself, your weaknesses, your inability to accomplish the goal.
Maybe you thought about a past failure with someone related to this goal.
Make a note of what comes up.
This is the forgiveness you need to address.
When I did this exercise I discovered I had to forgive MYSELF more than anyone else.
As I kept realizing over and over again the aspects of myself that allowed me to get hurt in life, they always went back to feeling FEAR of not being worthy of love in some way.
When we align with our divine nature, we know no fear. We only know we are love itself. We do not earn love. We ARE love.
So I learned from this that forgiving myself for not feeling good enough, powerful enough, love deserving enough created in me a vulnerability. This weakness opened me to become a victim or lose in an area of my life.
This means that I no longer had to forgive situations, circumstances and people outside of myself.
I had to forgive myself for being vulnerable.
This was exceptionally powerful for me. It allowed me to address the “cause” of my hurt, rather than blame it on someone else.
When you know the cause of your hurt, you can address it.
Step 4. Since forgiveness is extremely tricky it is important to have a way to accomplish it outside of your mind.
Your conscious and subconscious mind want to hold this unhealed belief there to protect you, so your mind will resist true letting go of forgiveness.
You hold on to your lack of forgiveness as a way to protect yourself from future hurt or harm.
So how do we forgive that which we can’t forget by going beyond our mind?
Below you will find a Channeled Prayer which is a way to forgive outside of thinking it so. Prayers bypass the mind and access the divine.

Channeled answer.
We open our hearts to change first, then we let go. It is important to honor the aspect and nature of change.
This is the cornerstone of Letting Go and Forgiveness.
When we realize there is change and change is good, we begin the process of letting go and forgiveness.
We must open our heart to the idea that forgiveness is there to heal us and that CHANGE IS GOOD.
Without change there would be no growth, no forgiveness and no letting go.
So what we have just shown you is that change is good, change is growth and change is frightening too.
Most individuals on earth want change but do not know how to get it.
We as your guides would like to introduce a special prayer for change and forgiveness which will serve you well in the future. Here is the prayer.
Open my heart dear God
Allow me to change, shift become more likely to hear, know and see what is real and what is not.
There is no change that I cannot handle.
I am a free spirit and energy where change is my very nature.
I love change, I embrace change and I now let go of that which I held to protect myself.
I open to change.
I open to a new truth.
I see others and myself as perfect in our ability to shift, change and become one with the higher forces.
We are change itself.
We are not stable, immutable and fixed.
You and I are change.
We now know that forgiveness is there behind change.
We held to not forgive to protect ourselves when something happened we did not like or believed we did not benefit from.
But now we see change is possible as needed as natural for without change we would not exist.
Change is our nature. We are flexible beings with generous hearts and broad nature.
We now let go of the hate, anger or lack of forgiveness we held within our self. We know that it was there to protect us.
But at some time we no longer need that protection. It is time now to let go of the lack of forgiveness, to release it and allow a new sense of self to emerge.
We embrace change to forgive and forgiveness is ours.
The Ones through Laura
So Step 4 is to embrace change and therefore forgiveness as our nature.
We had a lack of forgiveness to protect our self, but like a bandage on a wound, at some point that bandage must be removed for complete healing.
Do not fester under the bandages of being unforgiving. Embrace change to thrive.
Sending you all much love and happiness,
Spirit Medium Laura
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