FORTUNE TELLING: Predicting the Future
Those that know me know one of my pet peeves is fortune telling or predicting the future. It is one of the most misunderstood areas of psychic ability I feel exists.

When I was a young person my mother loved to “read” for me. She would take out a gorgeous stack of Tarot cards and go through a future prediction reading I hated. Somehow even at that young age, it just felt disempowering to have someone tell me what was going to happen to me.
Aren’t we on earth to live our lives? Aren’t we here to make decisions to grow? I would think as she read the cards, “What about me? What about what I want? What about what I do? I don’t think that is going to HAPPEN to me. I think I am going to make something happen, something I want.”
Recently a lovely and dear friend asked me why the predictions her psychic friend had been making for her were not coming true. Again, I went into my favorite lecture.
Psychic perception is supposed to be for your growth, not to tell your future. Psychics help you create your fortune by illuminating your choices better. They can help you make great decisions.
But I know that today I will get yet one more person think I am a fortune teller, with a stack of cards ready to predict their future. I am not this. I help you make the best decisions possible by giving you a more precise perspective.
FORTUNE TELLING: Predicting the Future
At times future predictions are made during a reading. But this is not because you asked for them. It is because spirit wants you to know this to help you make a decision about it.
For example, many times during readings I will feel the subject of the reading will have a child. I usually get the gender of the child as well. I believe the subject of reading is supposed to know this to make the decisions to allow their soul’s plan for this life time to happen.
Of course, they can decide otherwise, but the Divine Beings for this client want to remind them of their plan for this life time and consequences of not making the decision to support this plan.
Fortune telling and predicting the future is not useful and actually is usually not even correct. There is a wonderful video Bob Olson of Medium Channel has on this subject. As many of you might know Bob Olsen used to be a detective, so he has become a “clearing house” for valid psychic work vs. charlatanism.
In his video he explains why he feels predicting the future is a zero sum game and does not endorse it. You can listen to him talk about this HERE.
So there you have it. FORTUNE TELLING: Predicting the Future is not even possible, unless your Divine Beings want you to know.
Spirit Medium Laura