The easiest way to manifest automatically is by aligning your daily vibration with joy.
The FREE JOYFlow PDF Download (get below) makes it convenient and easy for you to focus on what is joyful (joyflow) for you on a daily basis. Then add it into your daily routine.
Be joy. Attract joy.

Click HERE to download the JOYFlow pdf for your use.
Print it out.
On a daily basis add new ideas for joy in your life, while finding at least one thing to do on the list that day.
This works best if you take time to meditate beforehand.
Soon your vibration will shift from negative, stymied and frustrated to inspired, nurtured and aligned with the higher vibration of joy.

Illustrating Story
Recently I had realized that I found nuns singing Gregorian Chants to be quite elevating to my sense of peace, joy and bliss.
So this Friday afternoon I was listening to a beautiful audio of nuns singing.
The phone rang as I relaxed to the music. I did not answer it because I thought it might be a telemarketer, however, after I heard a message was left I decided to retrieve it.
To my amazement the message was from the cruise line I had sailed with about seven months prior.
I had had a debilitating accident on the second day of that cruise, which forced me to stay in pain trapped in my stateroom for the remainder of the cruise.
I had decided not to sue them, as I did not want to lower my vibration. Suing them would have required a struggling, argumentative mindset, which I could not joyfully sustain.
Instead I chose a different remedy. I wrote a long letter to the CEO of this cruise line explaining what had happened.
I had forgotten all about the entire thing when I found this message on my phone. After listening to the message I marveled at the synchronicity of receiving it while relaxing in a blissful state listening to Gregorian Chants.
Could this blissful state have something to do with this event?
I was told by the cruise line that they had decided to award me a full refund for the cruise I had endured!
Woo hoo!

Two Other Automatic Manifestations
Invited on a Dinner Date.
This was a special vision board item I had been visualizing and affirming for weeks. Suddenly one night in a place I least expected, a man who partner dances asked me on a proper dinner date.
The coincidence of this was quite a synchronicity. I had just told my sister about two days prior “I wish some nice man who partner dances would ask me out on a proper dinner date.”
I did this half jokingly of course, but this was after I had almost been killed in a violent thunderstorm coming home from the second date with a man who could think of nothing to do with me except a walk in the park.
I know this sounds so dramatic, but it is sooooo true!

Successful Investments
The second demonstration I am a bit wary to share, as I have been working on this goal for over 24 years. Each time I think I have reached it, BAM! I fall on my face again.
Have you ever experienced this? You think you have finally manifested something you truly desire and need and BAM! It vanishes again!
As I have been curating JOYFlow in my life, I had an epiphany about my investments. I suddenly realized a new way to allocate my capital, which is low risk, high return and easy to do.
Since implementing it during this bear market I have seen what would project to 60% return for the year. Let’s see how it all plays out.
If this system continues to work over the next year I will write a course on this and deliver it to those who want to learn.

When we learn how to raise our vibration, and keep it high, life takes on stuff of magic. At least it seems magical at first.
If you used to losing and then start winning it will seem magical until you realize what you did differently to create these JOYflow manifestations.
We begin attracting what we have on our Vision Board in an effortless state.
This JOYFlow PDF Download is the core step to arrive and stay in this state.
Download it HERE.
Recommended FREE ECourse
Get the FREE E-Course on the steps to Automatic Manifestation with Soul Abundance go HERE.