GET BEST PSYCHIC READING, The best psychic reading will not tell you when you are going to get something you feel you need desperately. It will tell you how to create your best life now.
HOW TO GET BEST PSYCHIC READING. Are you using psychic readings to further your pain or get beyond it? Read on….
AH, THE BLESSING OF LETTING GO! Just gave a refund to a client who could not understand why
1. her ex would not return,
2. how that was for her highest good and
3. how to play the recording of her session!

FEAR BASED PSYCHIC READINGS. The traditional concept of a psychic reading is “how do I get back my ex, find love, get a job, heal my body, etc.”
How do I “fix” my addictive fear with a prediction (that might or might not come true)?
EVOLUTIONARY BASED PSYCHIC SESSIONS provide empowerment, greater understanding, clarification and definition of ideal choices and actions to create ideal future.
Evolving from VICTIM to VICTORIOUS is the greater blessing of psychic sight used in its highest form.
When you choose a psychic to work with, keep in mind what you want.
Do you want to be further addicted to the situation you are in or do you want to learn how to evolve beyond it to something better, more joyful and greater?
In the past I was addicted to a broken love relationship. I was so traumatized I kept calling one psychic after another to get a prediction.
“Would my ex return? When?”
All the readings did nothing to help me understand what was going on from a soul perspective, why I created this to begin with, how to clear the karma through spiritual evolution and so on.
Not to denigrate the psychic readers. They were doing what they thought they needed and were supposed to do to get paid.
This is more to understand the different uses of psychic gifts and how you can best benefit from this service for your highest good.
Use the gift of psychic sight to understand, then clear the root of the problem, not get back into the addiction.
Asking for when you are going to “get” something is tantamount to asking for when your next heroin shipment will arrive.
Evolution from HEALING to HAPPINESS is all about moving from addiction to completion by understanding your choices and making them.
It is all about getting the best psychic reading possible.
I hope this makes sense.
Spirit Medium Laura