How to Get Into a Flow State – Life Purpose Series 5

How to get into a flow state for Greater Synchronicity, Intuitive Guidance and Divine Destiny? Follow your heart is the short answer.

This article is part of the Life Purpose Series listed here:

Introduction – How to Get Into a Flow State

When you align with what is joyful to you on a daily basis you will begin activating the power of your soul. You purpose will emerge.

This purpose, the one you created before you were born, comes with a built in energy which is abundant, blissful and satisfying. Joy is the emotion to follow to access this energy.

How to Get Into a Flow State

Symptoms If You Are Not In Flow State

If you feel blocked, blue or disconnected take out a journal and begin to explore what is joy filled for you that day. Write down exactly what you think you want to do to bring you joy.

If you do not like to journal you can choose a card from any of the decks on the sidebar of this website. Below I use the Soul Truth deck, but any type of card deck can reveal things about you.

If a card is chosen after a meditation, you will find your subconscious guides you to the right card. The card your soul wants you to pick!

As you create the habit of daily Joy Journaling you will access this incredible benign energy of your soul plan, which will guide you forward to greater and greater levels of YOU.

YOU are joy itself!

YOU are supernatural!

YOU are the ultimate abundance, a creative force that creates something from nothing!

How to Get Into a Flow State

A Story of Flow – How to Get Into a Flow State

Right after the birthday of my 30th year, I was given a book from a friend of my mother. The book was “The Game of Life and How to Play It,” by Florence Scovell Shinn.

This delightful book explains that to live in abundance you need to follow your intuitive voice on a daily basis.

So after I read the book, I had some time on my hands. I was between jobs and living in a relaxed state of mind where my intuition was able to lead me.

One beautiful fall day I decided to do what the book said.

The book said to ask myself on a moment by moment basis what I wanted, what I was drawn to do and then do it.

When I asked myself what I should do that day, I heard the answer, “Go into Manhattan.”

I literally chose each step along the way in a moment by moment way. I would get on a subway train. I would turn left or right.

I did not have a plan. I was following intuitive flow.

Finally I ended up in Manhattan’s Central Park on a park bench next to a man I did not know. I forgot how our conversation got started, but when it did we both discovered we were doing the same thing that day.

We were each following our flow.

As we continued our conversation we both discovered we had a background in the computer industry. We both were burned out from our work.

We both were going to the same famous Psychic Medium in Manhattan (I can no longer find his name). I went for the weekly live trance channeling demonstrations this medium provided.

This man, with a greater level of affluence than I, was regularly going to this medium to learn his next steps in life.

The Seth Material
Jane Roberts Famous Medium

Flow Revealed I was a Medium – How to Get Into a Flow State

It was because of this man that I learned I am a medium. This man took me to his psychic reader in the northern part of Manhattan.

The reader threw out some Tarot Cards and said my Spiritual Guides were trying to speak to me. I asked him how to make that happen.

As soon as I got home to my tiny Queens apartment and locked the door behind me, I urgently asked for my Spiritual Guides to come through.

They did like a powerful bolt of energy. I was so shocked and frightened I ran to the other side of my small apartment, wondering what the heck just happened.

Curiosity leading me, I asked them (the guides) to continue. They did.

For two weeks I stayed with this group of entities channeling them every day. They called themselves “Michael.” Then after that I was introduced to my Master Guide named Ola, short for St. Ignatius Loyola.

Later I discovered from a teacher of mine, that the soul group called Michael was awakening channelers around the globe at that time (the early 1980s).

As well, I later discovered, that St. Ignatius Loyola is the Master Entity to John of God. John of God is less well known today but was a Master Healing Medium.

How to Get Into a Flow State

Your Soul Purpose Emerges

The point here is that when we follow our flow, our purpose emerges. This purpose was something I was born to do.

My ego led me to fight and struggle to become a millionaire. My underlying soul plan was for me to awaken my mediumship gifts in service to others.

So guess what?

I lost the money, and was led to use my gifts in service as the next career I would pursue.

Oddly enough, the energy of my soul plan made this transition very easy. Everything just flowed. It just happened.

When you follow your soul purpose a benign and benevolent energy is activated. Your reality shifts from struggling to smoothly flowing.

You end up being in the right place at the right time so often it is quite magical. You are intuitively motivated to create something which works.

There is an energy we all have access to if we would just Let Go of Struggle, allowing our true self (our soul) to emerge.

It is difficult to do this because we all are fearful of following our flow. It feels too good. :)

One common belief of the masses is “no pain, no gain.” However when you follow your flow serendipity and intuition guide you.

OVERVIEW. How To Get Into a Flow State?

Everyone wants to live in the abundant state of flow, but is too wrapped up in fear, scarcity and attainment to remain in the state of flow.

We enter the divine state of flow when we

  • Let Go Karma (Striving, Straining and Struggling to Get Something). This is done primarily with Mindful Meditation and Chakra Healing. Stop trying. Start living. Here is a FREE Chakra Blockage Test.
  • Open Dharma. This is done with self divination methods such as Oracle Card Readings, Spiritual Archetypes like Jungian, Astrology, Numerology and self reflection journaling. Here is a FREE Archetype Quiz.
  • Vibrate Joy. After we do the first two steps we are ready to align with Joy. Every day adopt the practice of reflecting on what joy means to you, followed by mantra manifestation meditations to resonate the vibration of joy. It is important to do joyful things everyday to support this process. Once these steps are done, you will begin to resonate joy, attracting like counterparts. Here is a FREE Webinar on how to manifest with vibration.
  • Engage Intuitive Flow. After doing the above 3 steps divine flow begins to emerge in our life. This is when living gets magical, manifesting is automatic and divine destiny unfolds. Here is a FREE Cosmic Energy Profile.

These steps are covered in detail starting with the Soul Abundance menu choice on this website. Follow this with the following: Let Go of Karma, Open Dharma, Vibrate Joy and Engage Intuition.

Below there is additional information on tools to augment and support this process.

Flow is Your Treasure Chest

LET GO KARMA in MEDITATION – Take time every day to meditate.

Here are some meditation tools you might find valuable to help you meditate.

If you do not know how to meditate here is a youtube video that does an excellent job of leading you into it.

When we meditate we elevate our vibration in a higher frequency of NOW in which there is no Karma. NOW is completion.

If you did nothing more than mindful meditation on a daily basis, you would activate your divine flow, stepping out of Karma.

Another useful tool to use to enter the state of flow is Chakra healing. If you can clear these energy fields, you begin to wean away from Karma, amplifying your journey into the state of flow.

Here is a FREE Chakra Blockage Test and an offer to clear them. I do chakra healing with clients in session.

OPEN DHARMA. Using an Oracle Deck

Pull out a card from the Soul Truth Deck shown below or any other of the decks shown in the sidebar, depending on what you are working on that day.

Each deck has a specific function along the flow activation continuum. Choose your deck accordingly. You need all four decks to get and stay in flow.

Dharma Found Here.

Journal on Your Guidance Card.

This exploration can help you get clear on what your purpose is, what you want in life and not what others want for you.

Take a meditation to begin, then pull a card from the deck, write down any ideas that come to you.

These ideas are diamonds. They are your soul talking to you about entering a flow state for greater abundance in your life.

VIBRATE JOY – Crystals for Vibration Alignment

I love crystals. They are a simple and powerful way to align your vibration to a desired one. If for example, you want more joy in you life, you could use Rose Quartz. This crystal stands for love and you would be aligning with the vibration of love, what you love and attracting love if you kept it on your desk or wore a piece of jewelry holding it.

“As humans, our bodies will try to vibrate at the same frequency as the crystal – a scientific principle called ‘entrainment.'” Taken from HERE.

Your vibration will begin to shift into alignment with the crystal, so you automatically align your vibration.

CASMON Rose Quartz Natural Healing Crystal Wand, 6 Faceted Prism Wand Gemstone Stones, 3.2"-3.5" Single Point Wands with G...
Rose Quartz is LOVE


Flow finally emerges when you are no longer worried about life, things, what you don’t have, what you want, where you are going and so on. Once you experience flow you will never want to turn back.

Flow is a state of feeling complete, living in the now and at the same time aligning with the vibration of joy. The more you do this the more magical your life becomes.

Manifesting becomes automatic. Things start coming to you that are on your soul path. Your body will balance. You will see problems slip away.

Life becomes effortless, striving will be replaced with curating joy on a moment to moment basis to live in the highest vibration you can hold. (We can only hold a vibration at the level of our consciousness.)

Flow is LOVE in action.


These steps are covered in detail in the Soul Abundance menu on this website. Let Go of Karma, Open Dharma, Vibrate Joy and Engage Intuition.


Spirit Medium Laura

Book your private appointment with spirit through Laura at

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