GHOSTS: Dealing with negative spirits

GHOSTS:  Dealing with negative spirits

The Guardian Angel
The Guardian Angel (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Got a few more questions from someone on Facebook about seeing spirits.  Here are the answers.

1.  How do I know if I am perceiving any spirit, not a deceased loved one?  

You might feel, see or hear things out of the ordinary.  No one has control over you so just ask them to go and they will leave you alone.  Protect yourself with prayer.  

GHOSTS:  Remember to ask in prayer to protect. 

2.  Do you see your guardian angel?  

I personally do not see my guardian angel, however, I have heard of others that do see their guides, angels, and so on.  I can see my guide when in trance.

3.  Are we controlled by our spirits in our decision making?

Yes, if you allow them.  Just as you can be controlled by a living person you can be controlled by a spirit.  One of the characteristics of a less evolved or negative spirit is an attempt to control you.  

GHOSTS:  Will try to control or influence you if they are negative or troubled. 

Less evolved or troubled souls attract to fear, sadness, negativity.   If you are receiving negative messages from “spirits” then you need to learn how to work in the light, ground and protect as explained in other posts here.  

As well, you might want to check on your own level of negativity.  Like attracts to like.  

I would also recommend attending ongoing ethical spiritual psychic development classes.

GHOSTS:   May not be negative, but they do not appear to help you evolve.

You will know you are working with an evolved spirit if the messages are loving, kind and help you evolve.  

I hope this helps.

Much love and have a great day!



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