Is God Real? Does GOD really exist? There is proof that reality shifts when intention is set. This can help you believe there is a God.
IS GOD REAL? Does GOD Exist and Why Should You Care? Many of us wonder, “Is God REAL?” But did you ever wonder why you should care?
I’ll give you the short answer.
Belief in God means you believe you can co-create your life. No belief in God means you believe you cannot co-create your life; that reality is objective, fixed and not affected by your will.
Which reality would you prefer? I choose the former, not the latter. But wait there is one more reason I choose the latter.
There is proof that reality is affected by our thinking. I believe this is God. Read on.
This week the famous astrophysicist Dr. Steven Hawking died. If you do not remember him, here is a brief overview.
“Stephen William Hawking CH CBE FRS FRSA was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author, and Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology within the University of Cambridge.” Wikipedia
Here is a video about these beliefs.
So Dr. Stephan Hawking did not believe in God (at least not in a traditional sense).
This begs the question, “What is God?”
Is God consciousness itself, a higher intelligence that creates all existence, symmetry, physics, mathematics, natural and spiritual law?
Is God a Father figure?
Is God found in a religion?
Is God benevolent or good?
Is God cruel or indifferent?

If you had a crippling disease, as Dr. Hawking did, perhaps God as a benevolent father figure would be a hard concept to find plausible.
Einstein was a bit less direct in his expression of belief in God. Here is a quote from him about God, “What separates me from most so-called atheists is a feeling of utter humility toward the unattainable secrets of the harmony of the cosmos.”
Here is a video on his beliefs about God.
I suspect if you prayed and saw results, you might begin to believe there is something more going on than simple objective reality.
If there is an interplay between your prayer and results, is this interplay God?
I say “yes!”
Here is a wonderful video from Lynn McTaggart, a journalist who specializes in scientific spirituality. This video reveals what she calls, “The Intention Experiments.”
These experiments “prove” scientifically that a form of prayer does indeed affect reality. In them, clear evidence is produced demonstrating unequivocally how focused and concentrated thought can indeed affect reality.
Her work is extremely valuable in that it will help you understand that thought really can affect reality beyond any shadow of a doubt.
I love to say, “What you see is what you get.” If you are constantly labeling everything as horrible, you are creating a HORROR.
So choose to see everything as POSITIVE and you will create a joy filled life.
God is real. God is creative consciousness. It is your spiritual evolutionary challenge to use your creative consciousness to co-create with the higher power of God.
When you do, you are proving God is Good and you are a part of this power.
Here is “The Intention Experiments,” in audio book form if you desire to go deeper, build your beliefs and evolve from healing to happiness.
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Spirit Medium Laura
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