(channeled from Laura’s guides on 10/17/10)
What is your magic? Many have thought about this but many have not been able to answer the question.
Each individual has within him or herself something magical. They come to earth with this magic from the realm of spirit. It is their soul. Their soul is their magic.
Many on earth think the soul is some serious thing they are burdened with to keep them honest and good. They do not realize it plays an important role in their life and can help them considerably as they navigate the currents of adversity, as well as, pleasure.
Their soul is their intuition. When individuals are so steeped in everyday life they do not take the time to get in touch with their feelings they will lose their compass, their navigation system, which can lead and guide them on the fortuitous path towards their bliss.
- Image by kelly cree via Flickr
When we say bliss we mean their path on earth. Each individual has a prelife plan. Within that plan is their blissful fulfillment of their karma.
You might say karma is not blissful. To go through it can be painful. We say, “Yes, only if you resist it.”
So learning how to let go is integral to this process. If you hang onto adversity and keep challenging it, trying to make it right, get it right and force your will to happen, you will have much adversity in life.
On the other hand, if you learn how to Let Go and Let GodSpeak™ as we taught in module two about channeling, you will begin the process of miracle living.
The next step towards miracles is to align with your joy or your bliss.
Learn how to align with your joy or your bliss with “The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships” (CD BOOK)
Many people on earth are constantly taking the hard road, the safe road, the practical road. They do not even give themselves a chance to take the blissful road.
Isn’t that strange? We in spirit are constantly amazed at how on earth you are taking the hard road, not the fun road.
This makes us wonder about the human condition and how valuable it is for soul growth. You see your soul cannot grow if you are suffering.
Yes. Let us say this again. “Your soul cannot grow if you are suffering.”
Your soul will grow when you begin to learn how to enjoy more bliss in your life, when you deliberately and fearlessly choose abundant joy as your life choice.
Why is this such a struggle? Because held within the delicious nougat of joy is a poisonous pill. It is the hesitancy which tells you that if it is fun it is probably not good for you. Yes, held within the nougat of bliss is disdain for it.
Some might call this puritanical or whatever you want to call it, but within joy is disdain. Within pleasure is punishment for most humans. So you resist it.
You resist change to try something new. You would rather stay in quiet misery because you know it and understand it. But to try joy, well that is threatening! Yes, threatening. It creates fear in you.
Did you ever think how much you would have to lose if you tried to live the life you want? Much, yes much. You would have to give up the shackles of suffering which is familiar and a known quantity, for the liberation of joy.
You might be wondering why we say all of this, for you like to have pleasure and joy. There is nothing in you which resists it. Well, we would like to differ.
Try thinking of leaving the thing you hate right now in your life? What is that thing? It is a partner that you hate? If is work that brings you great disdain? Think about it.
Does the thought of leaving that thing make you tremble with fear?
Yes the familiar does have power plus you do not know if change will bring in anything better or superior.
We are NOT advocating change for the sake of change. What we are advocating is to let go and let Godspeak™ to you about what to do next. This is a skill to be learned so that your life begins to take on the stuff of miracles.
Instead of your trying to “fix” the problem yourself, you learn how to skillfully turn your problems up to a higher power then align with the guidance that is coming forth. If you can align properly with your messages you will be doing what we call Soul Manifesting or Intuitive Manifesting.
It is the opposite of traditional manifesting for there is no “man” in it. There is a God in it. So perhaps we will change the name from manifesting to Godifesting. Do you like that name? We do.
Have a wonderful day!
Your guides.
NOTE: Laura Lightseer Mendelsohn is the channel for light beings heralding in the energetic shift from “male” to female energy systems via soul alignment and activation. Contact Laura to attend one of her workshops or for a private session. She can be reached at 954 465 7338 or laura@theintuitivemiracle.com.