GRIEF RELIEF: Heal After Loss
This is an article about some suggestions for grief relief with a Hypno-Channeled Meditation at the end for further support in this process. The Hyno-Channeled meditation is available for purchase as a recorded audio at the end of the article.
Loss can come in many forms. Obviously as a medium I deal with loss of a loved one to the spirit world on a regular basis.
However, there are other forms of loss, and it is important to honor them as well. You could have lost a friendship, a lover, a husband or wife in divorce. You could have lost your retirement money.
You could have moved to a new home, thus, losing the familiarity and friendships of the old neighborhood.
Loss can be insidious. We as human beings have to live with loss all the time. If we are not aware of what it can do to us and what to do about it, we can become victims to it.
I have a lovely client. She lost her husband to a sudden death. He was still a vital, thriving partner, and father to their teenage son when he transitioned.
Over the first few months, my client drifted deeper and deeper into despair. She was getting worse, not better. Finally she reached out to me for support.
I am not a grief counselor, however, I am a very intuitive individual. The first thing spirit told me to tell her was she needed to get familiar with the stages of grief, of the grieving process, so she could become more supportive of herself!
By the time she had come to me for help she was in a self deprecating mode believing there was something wrong with herself for feeling so messed up. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Knowing as much as you can about grief then is one of the most important steps you can take to begin to have grief relief. Knowing that grief comes in many shapes and forms on the earth plane is one of the first lessons to be had about grief.
Loss is a part of life. It is something to welcome as much as a new beginning, for loss is a new beginning. When we have loss, we have created, wittingly or not, the opportunity for new.
Here is the email I wrote my client so she could begin to heal. Perhaps some of these ideas will be helpful to you.
“Hi xxxx,Hypno-Channeled Meditation from the Ones through Spirit Medium Laura for Grief Relief.
Note: This channeling speaks about starting something new. It is not advised to make any major changes to your life within one year of a major loss. The changes stated in the channeling should be interpreted to mean simple, small changes in your current life.
It is important to understand that grief is part of life. The summer comes and so does the winter. It is an opening and a closing. Life has many facets and part of these facets is the opening and closing of doors. So when you feel sad, lonely, despondent, alone, remember that this is a process that never ends in one place; that you are on your way from sadness to happiness or from happiness to sadness. Therefore in the earth realm it is important to acknowledge that nothing stays the same. From winter to summer and summer to winter there is a wonderful opportunity for growth, widening of perspective and love. In each state you find yourself there are wonderful opportunities for growth, transition and process. We as your guides would like to help you understand this process more. It is like shedding your skin as a snake. Under the skin is a new beginning. So as this is with a snake so it is with you. Each shedding of the old allows is the start of something new, a new exciting beginning with a new skin, a new way, a new process, a new opportunity for growth. It is important then to see death as the beginning of the new. On a regular basis incorporate death with life. When something is old, replace it with something new. Try out new ideas, new ways of doing things, keep your mind fresh, open, alert. Do not cling to the old. The new is the way to go. So when you are in a grieving state, ask for relief of this pain by starting new things. Open up your heart to new beginnings. Understand that the old needs to be discarded for the new to begin. Deliberately start a new endeavor, in a new way, with a new attitude. Soon you will learn how the old was released and the new was begun. Your life will begin to renew and refresh itself. You will begin to see things in a new way. You will begin to process things in a new way. You will feel much much better. So when in the grieving process take a up a hobby. Learn something new. Change your clothing. Your outlook will change. Your luck will change. Your mind, the physical construct upon which you process reality, will change. It is time now for us to lead you in the process. We would like to lead you through a slight meditative process to begin the new and to release the old. Sit quietly, focusing on your easy breathe. Do not focus on the room around you but rather listen to the breathe. As you bring in new air realize the old air had to be exhaled first to bring in the life provided by new breath. So it is with your life. You are now going to take a few more breathes as you ready yourself for a grand adventure. We would like you to think of your life. Take a moment to think of some aspects of your life that are not desirable to you. What makes you feel limited these days, since your loss. Is it companionship, closeness, inability to think clearly. Simply allow yourself to peruse these ideas for a moment or two longer.
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