Guided meditation self love and forgiveness. Using your 3rd “EYE” to create the vibration of forgiveness is very powerful indeed.
At times the only way to forgive yourself or someone else is by bypassing the conscious mind. Forgiveness is not a rational act. It is an energy act.
Therefore meditation combined with the symbolism of color and light can help clear your emotional body. This article will go into a simple way to do this.

Video Illustrating How Meditation Can Change Energy – Guided Meditation Self Love and Forgiveness
If you wonder how or even if meditation can change your energy system I invite you to watch the following. I actually experienced the following in a live situation so I do know you can change your energy from meditation.
The change is most dramatically portrayed if you jump from 16 seconds into the video before meditation to 21 seconds into the video after meditation.
Change your Energy – Change Your Life!
The purpose of forgiveness is not only the act in and of itself, but forgiveness allows you to move forward in attaining goals, dreams and harmony in your life.
When you hold onto anger, resentment and toxicity, you remain stuck. It is very difficult for you to progress spiritually, emotionally and materially.
All prosperity and abundance is linked to how clear we are emotionally.
If you are holding onto resentment to another you will probably block receiving desired outcomes in life.
When you do forgive you unblock your energy fields, allowing for reception of abundance.

Steps to Guided Meditation for Self Love and Forgiveness
It is suggested to lie down for this meditation to ensure a deeper state of relaxation and efficacy.
Relax with a couple of deep, comfortable breaths from your abdomen.
When ready imagine there is a person facing you standing about four to six feet away. This person looks angry, anxious and tense.
This person can be YOU!
Imagine between the two of you a three by three feet heart made completely of sparkling pink light. This heart is surrounded by a cool flame emanating out from its peripheral.
This is a symbol which invokes unconditional love from higher vibration. Symbols are very powerful tools to shift energy.
They bypass the limitations of 3rd dimension consciousness to shift, change and create new conditions in your life.

You are holding this heart. It is cool, light and refreshing.
Walk towards the person in front of you.
Place the heart on this person’s chest.
Allow the light of the heart to melt into the chest cavity of this person.
Notice the countenance on the face of this person. It changes from angry, anxious and tense into relaxed, refreshed and relieved.
Now silently in a telepathic way send to this person your forgiveness, acceptance and love, allowing all of these ideas to flow to the other person.

Here is an example to forgive yourself.
“I love you. Even though you have made poor decisions that caused pain, neglect and negativity for yourself and others, I still forgive you.
I now know you did the best you could at that time. It is now time to heal and move on.
I fully accept you with all of your faults. I know now, with expanded awareness, you will do better in the future.
I love you, [your name].”

Here is a sample dialogue to use for another person. Guided Meditation for Self Love and Forgiveness.
This example is inspired from a client session. The client had an alcoholic father that ignored her growing up causing a block in her realization of professional success.
This is a possible script for this situation.
“I know you did not deliberately hurt me. You were unable to do better than you did due to the kind of mind and weakness you had and have.
I now express my love for you and allow you to heal at the rate you can heal, as I allow myself to do the same.
What was in the past is now in the past forever. What is in the now is my creation.
I now create a healed me, removed from sadness or damage from you. I parent myself, giving myself the attention, encouragement and self support I need.
I am free now to live my life as I desire, sending you off to lead your life as you see fit, as well.
I let go of all resentment, anger and guilt surrounding this situation.
I am free.”
After the prayer of forgiveness you have completed the healing.

A Shower of Light – Continuing Guided Meditation for Self Love and Forgiveness
After the prayer it is time to shower yourself in different colors of light. Sending the intention of light at a particular color frequency, bypasses the conscious mind for quick activation and healing.
For forgiveness we start with white light entering the body from the top of your head, the crown chakra.
Imagine white light is entering your body from the top of your head. This light travels through all parts of your frame, clearing and lifting its frequency.
The light completely leaves the body through the feet.
Now imagine green light coming in through the bottom of your feet, vibrantly floating through your body, healing and immersing you in its healing vibration.
This light travels out of your body through the crown.
Now imagine pink light entering your body at the top of your head, showering through your frame, raising your vibration to the highest vibration of unconditional love.
This light remains in your body.

Completion of Guided Meditation for Self Love and Forgiveness
You have completed the guided meditation self love and forgiveness. If someone took a photo of your aura now, it would look healed and cleared.
It is extremely important to keep your body free of any negative emotions as possible. This is for your health.
If you stay in the anger, resentment and self doubt vibration, you immediately are in a higher stress state. Stress emits chemicals into the blood stream that cause illness.
It is your responsibility to clear yourself of anything negative as soon as you notice it. This meditation is an example of tools you have at your discretion to do so.
I recently used a similar meditation to heal me from a traumatic work situation that came on suddenly. My adrenaline was flooding my system, I felt like crying. I knew I had to do something to shift this energy.
After doing the meditation I felt calmer, cleared and ready to face dealing with the situation in a new, more loving way.

Spirit Medium Laura
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