Guided morning meditation to raise vibration can be done at any time. You can shift your life to more positive peacefulness as you raise your vibration at will.
Doing meditation to raise vibration is worth it because you begin to look at everything with acceptance. All change is positive.
In this state of FLOW you leave fear behind and enter a state of fluidity led by Guidance, Opportunity and Destiny (GOD).
This can best be described as intuitive living. You flow with life, circumstances and conditions. You no longer resist change, negativity or havoc.
You shift from fear to love.
It is probably hard to imagine how to hold this state of consciousness if a loved one suddenly transitioned to spirit, or if you just learned you had a fatal illness.
However, doing a meditation to raise vibration can provide support to you as you traverse life’s challenges. You may not master a state of nirvana, but you can access some of its supportive potential.
A guided morning meditation to raise vibration can help you arrive at a more blissful state of consciousness.

Access Guided Morning Meditation to Raise Vibration and Increase Flow
This morning I received a voice mail message from someone who wanted something from me I did not want to do.
This person was in need of my support so I was hesitant to refuse the request, but at the same time concerned that if I did what was asked, I would get drained in some way.
(People who are intuitive empaths want to help but usually get drained in the process. )
As I sat wondering how to handle the situation, I was inspired to do a simple audio meditation. I did not ask for a message, yet a channeled guided meditation came through me.
My guides took me on a magical journey, which resulted in my feeling so uplifted, so overwhelmed with joy, I became teary eyed and ecstatic.

Ever feel so overwhelmed with joy you begin to cry?
Apparently when your vibration is high, miraculous things happen automatically.
This is what FLOW means. Flow is a healed vibration where troubling situations are automatically cleared without our direct intervention.
Later today I finally called the needy person. She answered the phone with a painful tone. I asked what was wrong.
She exclaimed, “My best friend was just admitted to the hospital in critical condition! I can’t talk now!”
She hung up. I was released from this negative situation magically. It was as if I was watching a movie of sadness, but as an observer only, protected in the end.

So I decided to record this channeled meditation and share it with you. Perhaps it will raise your vibration to this higher place?
Perhaps it will simply be comforting to you while you do it.
Outline of the Guided Morning Meditation to RAISE Your Vibration
RAISE is the acronym for the outline.
R= RISE through Chakras 1 to 7
I = INSPIRE to the Forest
S = STEP the STAIRS to light
E = EMBRACE the Ultimate Consciousness
Play a Pre-Recorded Guided Morning Meditation to Raise Your Vibration
Go HERE to get a prerecorded version of meditation below. This is not the best meditation I ever recorded but it can be helpful, I hope.
Instructions to Record Your Voice Doing the Guided Morning Meditation to Raise Your Vibration
Play the audio below while reading the meditation. This is the meditation channeled to me.
You can record the meditation and play it back to yourself while listening to the audio as an alternate way to use this.
RAISE Vibration Meditation Script
If you would like to use the channeled script below you can record your voice reading this meditation then play the recording while listening to a meditation that feels elevating to you.
I have recorded this meditation using my voice HERE for your convenience.
Begin by listening to a soothing musical meditation for a moment or two. The one I used to write this meditation is linked above.

RISE through Chakras
Bring your attention to your groin. This is your root chakra, your grounding center.
Breath in the color red slowly releasing any stress or tension at this area on the exhale.
Bring your attention to your abdomen. This is your Sacral Chakra, your creativity center.
Breath in the color coral, relaxing on the exhale.
Bring your attention to your stomach, your Solar Plexus, your ego center.
Breath in the color sunflower yellow relaxing and releasing on exhale.
Bring your attention to your stomach, your Heart Center, the area of love.
Breath in and out deep emerald green relaxing and releasing on exhale.
Bring your attention to your throat, your Throat, the area of communication.
Breath in and out the color sky blue relaxing and releasing on exhale.
Bring your attention to the center of your forehead, the area of intuition and psychic awareness.
Breath in and out the color indigo relaxing and releasing on exhale.
Bring your attention to the top of your head, the area of connection to awareness.
Breath in and out the color white violet relaxing and releasing on exhale..
Visualize a violet white light coming from the top of your head. It is bright, full and alive. As you connect to this light you begin to associate with it.
Your consciousness is beginning to lift out of your body, your awareness rising to the ceiling in the room.
As you realize you are at the ceiling look down at the room, noting yourself in the room, seated in meditation.
As soon as you realize you are out of your body observing yourself, you begin to float through ceiling and roof of the building into the sky.
You continue floating up higher and higher.
You see birds, the top of trees, houses, going higher and higher still.

ARRIVE at the Clouds
As you continue to go higher, you start to notice the sky is a perfect light blue and there are white clouds around you.
You stay there for a moment or two reveling in this higher plane where you are able to sit on a cloud without any trouble.
Notice a cloud before you. Go over to it and sit on it for a moment.
As you sit on your cloud you notice far off in the distance a beautiful forest. Within the forest you see a sparkling white light beaming through.

INSPIRE to the forest with the light.
You are intrigued and drawn to this, so you start walking towards the light on a path that has appeared before you.
On either side of the path you notice rich vibrant green grass.
You move towards the light in the forest.

STEP the STAIRS to higher consciousness
You begin to see a set of STAIRS vaguely appearing through the light. This staircase is so vast you cannot see where it goes. All you can see is white light in the distance.
As you move closer, this staircase begins to illuminate more.
There are ten steps before you arriving at a landing. You hear a voice in your head.
“Climb the stairs.”
So you do.
You easily walk the 1st ten steps to the landing.
At the landing you feel solid and grounded. You are eager to see what is next.
You walk the next ten steps to the second landing.
You begin to notice you feel a bit light, happier and energetic.
Each step you feel lighter and lighter.
You walk the next ten steps to the second landing.
You begin to feel a bit lighter, happier and energized.
You walk the next ten steps to the third landing.
You feel even lighter and giddier. This feels very good, exciting and appealing. So you decide to continue.
You walk the next ten steps to the fourth landing.
Here you feel almost high, but you are still in control so you continue further.
You walk the next ten steps to the fifth landing.
As you notice standing on the ground is beginning to be difficult.
Your body has gotten so light, you must now hold the banister to proceed higher, You must go higher because you know there is something spectacular awaiting you at the top.
You proceed up from the fifth landing to the sixth landing holding the banister for grounding.
You continue doing this through landing 7, 8 and 9.
Finally you are ready to go to the tenth landing.
You are beginning to wonder if you can do this because your feet are no longer on the ground. You are like a flag hanging onto the banister so you do not fly away.
But you are determined to proceed because you know that at the top something magnificent awaits you.
As soon as you begin to take the first step you are suddenly drawn magnetically to the tenth landing.
You did not have to walk the ten steps from the 9th landing to the 10th.
You were drawn there in a tractor beam of energy.
There you stand at landing ten at the portal into the light!

EMBRACE the Ultimate Consciousness
You look into this light full of glory, good, magnificence and energy!
It is overwhelming to you in its magnificent, healing, loving and miraculous nature.
You are in the SOURCE, your SOURCE of all things.
You are in AWE.
This presence fills you with so much peace you are overwhelmed, as if your body, mind and soul can hardly hold this wisdom, love and light.
You have arrived.
You steady yourself and bask in this glory for a moment or two longer.
Finally you realize your vibration is higher. You feel complete, attuned and magical.
As soon as you notice this feeling you begin to come back into the room with the countdown carrying this new consciousness with you
You begin the countdown from 10 to 1.
10 awakening a little bit
9 moving your fingers a bit
8 feeling a bit more aware
7 wiggling your toes
6 feeling more grounded in the chair while holding to the higher light
5 moving your head a bit
4 feeling the air in the room about you and you are very relaxed
3 Still feeling relaxed but more aware
2 You are ready to land back into the room with full higher vibration
1 You are now in the room.
Open your eyes, while holding this higher consciousness which you now own.
I hope this was helpful to you.
Spirit Medium Laura