Halloween Costumes Meaning. Channeling about the meaning of Halloween Costumes and what your costume choice might reveal about you!
Channeled material is in italics.
Dear Spirit Guides, Can you tell us what our Halloween Costume choice says about us?
We are The Ones that watch over you.
The choice of a Halloween Costume means that you are trying to play the role of someone else in a fun and playful way. You are not serious. You are experimenting much as a child plays different roles when they are children.
So a Halloween Costume means you are willing to be playful first and foremost and “try on” the identity of another for the fun, excitement and adventure of it.
When you choose a costume that is not at all like yourself you are really going deep in this process.
If you choose a costume that is very much like you in day to day life you are not willing to play at this time. This type of individual that cannot choose a costume different from him or herself could be very stuck in his or her day today life and not willing to change.
As well if someone does not want to wear a costume for some reason they have shut down their playful childish creative nature at least for the time being.
So when you choose a costume enjoy every aspect of it and do not let others make you feel silly.
Halloween is a time for release and fun as traditionally in the past colder seasons brought death, hunger and survival challenges.
Today on earth there is not as much of this as the opportunity to become someone else for the purpose of the sheer JOY of it.
Live on, my dear friends. Live on!
The Ones through spirit Medium Laura

Costume Types
Here are some additional ideas about what your costume choice may say about you. The words that are highlighted are channeled.
TRANSPORTATION. Key Word. TRANSFORMATION. Taxi Driver, Pilot, Train Conductor, Bus Driver, Stewardess, etc. This is someone who desires to “go somewhere” in life but feels stuck or is not going where he or she wants to go.
MYTHICAL CREATURE. Key word: MAGIC. Mermaid, Fairy Godmother, Witch, Goddess, Angel, Fairy, etc. This type of costume means you feel you have magical, mystical and metaphysical abilities or would like to explore this side of your nature.
HERO. Key Word: EXTRAORDINARY. Wonder Woman, Spider man, Superman, Tarzan, etc. You see yourself differently from others, special, not of the ordinary. You are unique, gifted and stronger than the average person.
ANIMAL. Key Word: EMPATHY. You see yourself as more evolved than the average. You know more and more oriented to the welfare of others than they are.
ROYALTY. Key Word: POWER. King or Queen, Famous Politician, Musician, Movie Star, Greek God or Goddess, Roman Emperor, Egyptian Queen, etc. (Ex. Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, the Beatles, etc.) Those that choose it are able to hold the power and energy this alter ego suggests. They can be as powerful as that which they chose for their costume.
Hope you found these ideas fun and amusing.
Enjoy your Halloween Holiday.
Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private appointment with Spirit Medium Laura at www.BookLaura.com