HAPPINESS: Are You Bored to DEATH?

BOOK SESSION: Book your private appointment with Spirit through Laura at www.BookLaura.com.

HAPPINESS:  Are You Bored to DEATH?

Do you feel trapped, unhappy and stagnant?  Do you feel like you need a change, but can’t move, don’t have a lot of money, simply lack the awareness or courage to make a big change in your life?

Do you feel like you are chasing your tail?  Do you seek results but instead are doing the same thing over and over expecting something new or different?

Creating change in life can seem overwhelming.  Firstly, most of us fear change, it is the unknown.  Secondly many of us get caught in a pattern, not even realizing we are in the pattern, which holds us in a stagnation mode.


Stimulation is very important for health and happiness.  With out trying something new, perhaps developing a new skill, our brains die, slowly or perhaps quickly!  This is one reason it is so important to always seek new things to learn, do and try.

As I have gotten older, I have noticed repetition is like the dance of death staring me blankly in the face.  For example, I used to find it so much fun to go dancing, but now social ballroom and Latin dancing seems very boring to me.

In reaction to this, I have started having fantasies of moving to Central or Soul America, simply running away!  However, when you think about it, this would get very repetitious very quickly too, especially since these countries have far less diversity than in the United States.

I suggest if you feel like you are “chasing your tail,” need a change, do not have the money or cannot leave where you are right now to become a tourist of life staying exactly where you are.


Pick up a local newsletter or go to Meetup.com and look for new things to try to do.  Learn a new language.  Take up a new sport or hobby.  Learn a new trade or skill.

The way out of stagnation to HAPPINESS is stimulation.  Do something new, social and/or places you in relationship to new people, places and things.

Do this from where you are.  A big geographic change or lots of money is not necessary.  All you need is curiosity and a bit of strategically directed effort.


Everyone who feels they are bored to death probably is moving a bit closer to death in not finding new and stimulating things to do.  Studies have proven that learning new skills actually encourages longevity and reduces chances of dementia.

So in the interests of your own health and happiness get out and learn something new!  I know I am going to do this!

Love you all!

Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private appointment with Laura at http://BookLaura.com

Do you feel trapped?