HEART CODE: Heal a broken Heart. Love yourself, love your life. The written channeling below offers an introduction to HEART CODE vibration download. The download heals the heart and reconnects you with the true source of love, yourself. Once you have made the connection all aspects of abundance can flow to you including love, money and health.
This morning I did the HEART CODE meditation, as it was channeled through me from The Ones in the LIMITLESS series. My mother came through with a heart connection. I now feel very centered, grounded and nurtured. More about LIMITLESS series here: https://www.spiritmediumlaura.com/become-limitless/
HEART CODE: HEAL a BROKEN HEART Channeling Begins from The Ones
So now we are going to suggest to you what is needed now most in the world.
It is love, not work, money or health, but love.
We have always said this and we will always say this to you and others.
So in this vibration of love, which you have already done with the unification LOVE CODE video we are here to help you with the next deepest problem.
Loss of love, a broken heart, so to speak, is the next biggest problem.
When someone can heal their broken heart about past love lost or whatever they perceive is lost love, even death of a loved one, they will begin to make themselves available to love again.
They will engage in love on an energy level, providing an opening for new love.
Healing the heart of lost love brings in new love. Do you see?
With new love then can come other conditions in their life.
Many think that money is more important than love, however, we beg to differ. Love is the most important vibration in life for without love there can be no money.
Love is everything in the human’s life. It solves all the problems.
For example when you love yourself you take better care of yourself. With better self care you can bring money, financial security, work and a life partner to you.
If you do not love yourself you can do nothing like this. You are lost.
Love is the most important vibration available today to solve most every problem in life. Heal a broken heart is the next step in achieving love.
So when a human loses love they lose a part of themselves they become fragmented.

We want to help heal those who feel fragmented, alone, lost and afraid of going it alone.
We want to be the love for them for now so that they can bridge the gap from lost love to feeling loved.
Once they heal this then they begin to attract love again.
So to find love you need to heal lost love first.
Those who feel they are already good in this area have much to learn for anyone who is in a relationship now without love of self and love of GOD will never have love.
Love does not come from having another person in your life. Love comes from having yourself and your connection to Source in your life.
Love is not about having a lover. Love is about having yourself.
The vibration download will shift you to love itself so that you may begin to heal your heart, then attract love in a holistic, sustainable way.
Do this for 17 days once per day preferably at bedtime to get the most from it. This vibration download is designed to clear a broken heart so that you may live in the flow of abundance.
With such healing you will be able to heal relationships, find love again, improve existing relationships, not only with others but with money and health.
This can help to clear self esteem issues which are the essence of a broken heart.
Please watch the LIMITLESS introductory video HERE to see the value of this work in a sample as we do not offer refunds for digital products. Thank you. LENGTH: 6 min 25 seconds. FEE: $44.