Healing Affirmations can transform your life. Inside find some from Louise Hay and channeled from Guardians of Light. Namaste, Spirit Medium Laura
HEALING AFFIRMATIONS: Louise Hay and Guardians of Light
Lately I have been beefing up my Twitter efforts, creating a totally new and comprehensive effort from within this most powerful communications medium.
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As I began this campaign, I discovered some very simple ways to offer inspiration and healing simply by using affirmations, positive quotations, youtube.com videos and channeled messages from spirit through me.
A funny thing happened as I engaged into this project. I fell in love with positive affirmations once again. I renewed my understanding of Louise Hay, who I knew about, but had never taken the time to fully explore.
I am educated by the same institution of which she is a Minister, Science of Mind (now known as Center for Spiritual Living). I completed their two year training program.
Most of their ministers are excellent, however, as soon as I heard Louise Hay speak through one of her videos on youtube.com, I thought, “Wow, she is a Healing Master, very powerful, like an ascended master in the physical.”
Today I would like to officially say, “Louise Hay is like an incarnated master healer and teacher. Yes, she is!”
Here are a few positive healing affirmations for you today. Some are channeled from Guardians of Light.
Louise Hay Affirmation for today: “I approve of myself. I accept myself exactly as I am.”
More Healing Affirmations from Louise Hay in this video.
Healing Affirmation channeled from Guardians of Light.
“Hello dear ones. We are your Guardians of Light, the ones that help you when you are cold and tired too tired to take care of yourself. We are your inspiration, your light, your healers, the ones that pick you up when you are sad.
Today’s Healing Affirmation with be about the self and why you are, who you really are. Here it is.
‘I am the one that knows who I am from top to bottom from sunrise to sunset from beginning to end. I am the one who is complete, who loves myself and the world and all that is in it. I am the one.’
So we are not the only Ones, it is you too that is the one.
Yes, each of you is sacred unto yourself. healed and complete even though you do not know it yet.
Each of you is complete in that we see you this way. We send healing light and rays of sun to you to heal your hearts and allow you to see how definitely complete you are.
You are the ones and so are we.
Wow! I did not expect they would take this over so quickly and with such alacrity. So happy they did.
Have a great day all. I hope this post was inspiring and healing to you.
Spirit Medium Laura
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