TELEPATHIC COMMUNICATION: Telepathy With Animals Heals

TELEPATHIC COMMUNICATION:  Telepathy With Animals Heals

Just got done doing a private session with a client.  She is a horse riding competitor.  It came out in her session that when she connects to the horses she is communicating telepathically.

To do this she connects to her intuitive self, her gateway to the Divine within herself.   When she does this she feels soothed.  It gives her a connection to Source, to God.  This is healing for her.

She asked if everyone gains this benefit through telepathic communication with animals.  Spirit channeled through me, “Everyone has the potential connection, but not all use it.”

Imagine you were viewing a movie.  In the scene there was a pile of million dollar bills on a table right next to a baby.  Each person will tend to select what resonates to them.  Some will remember the baby, others the pile of money.

So it is with the healing, divine gift of telepathic communication with animals.  The potential connection between the animal and the feeling of peace, love and divine connection is there for everyone.  But not all will sense it.

TELEPATHIC COMMUNICATION:  Telepathy With Animals Heals

Now as I write this I realize the same goes for babies and other living things, even plants.  Sensing, s telepathically communication, the life force, the glue that connects all things, connects us to Source, God, love.  When we are connected to it, we feel infinite, indomitable, joyful.

We all have our own way to telepathically connect to the divine.  You have to find the way that works for you.

Then you have to use it, because when you do, you will heal, feel and function much better.  Studies have shown the elderly who are alone, but have pets, tend to be healthier and happier.  Their blood pressure is lower, for example.

So, find your divine connection and use it to live a better life.


Spirit Medium Laura
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TELEPATHIC COMMUNICATION:  Telepathy With Animals Heals



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