GRIEF: Healing with Meditation. Heal grief and suffering by transcending the physical to higher vibration state. Raise your vibration to heal with meditation.
During a client session spirit spoke through me. I was confronted with a client who was so overcome with grief, guilt and despair, that words would never suffice.
Spirit took over. Spirit explained to this lovely woman that healing can be had when we experience our essence, the part of us that is endless, powerful and divine.
Our essence, our soul, can be experienced with meditation. When we take time each day to simply be in the essence of our consciousness, our I AM presence a peacefulness, a sense of power and of profound identity takes over.
Our soul’s consciousness comes in to heal us.
All, most suffering, is available to us on the earth plane as a catalyst for growth, for evolution to a sense of the I AM, for the experience of profound peace that can only come when one is reconnected to one’s divine nature.
This is what meditation does for us. It connects us to our power. It feels like everything around you that was troubling you suddenly fades away, as the presence of the I AM steps forward.
What is the I AM you might ask? The I AM is our inner sense of who and what we are, stripped of the ego. It is our soul.
We can visit the idea of what I AM means if we remember our perception as a baby, or child. We had consciousness, awareness. We knew we were someone, something.
This consciousness is our inner resource, our power, our essence, our soul.
Spirit stepped in today during a client session to discuss this with the client for the purpose of moving through a tragedy in her life.
She was told to meditate. To go into that space of utter silence. Sit there focusing on the breath. Simply being for a period of time each day.
This practice would develop her spirituality, continuing the healing journey.
I wanted to share this idea with you if you are going through something at this time in your life.
Find peace and healing through meditation.
Transcend to the divine to defeat suffering.

Here is a short video from which teaches how to meditate. I chose it for its simplicity.
I meditate with a Mantra. I have found this is the best way for me to meditate..
I use a mantra related to something I desire like PEACE or PROSPER or HEALTH, etc. I help clients set up mantras based on goals they have in their life. :) Enjoy!
Spirit Medium Laura
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