HEALING MEDITATION: Freedom From Fearful Mind

HEALING MEDITATION:  Until you detach, you cannot be free.

You are NOT detached when you are in compulsive, addictive or abusive patterns. (Over eating, love struggles, money issues, victim role, etc.)

You ARE detached when you are being.



You ARE BEING with meditation.

HEALING MEDITATION:  Meditation heals because it raises your vibration.

As the Soul Purpose MAGIC system continues to develop in my life, I realize how the reactive mind is so ego fear based.  The being mind (soul) is so peaceful and love based.

The way to access this peace is with meditation as one example.  Anything that raises your vibration can be included in this prescription for mental and emotional health. 

Foods we eat.

Thoughts we generate.

People we hang out with.

Stress we tolerate.

It is at times not easy to simply drop old habits and patterns to suddenly become a guru on a mountaintop.  One must be able to achieve detachment while living in the real world.

HEALING MEDITATION:  As I learned to meditate my life got better.

I did.  When I was working at Microsoft Corporation, I became very fearful.  My manager decided he was on a hunt to discipline someone.  I was “it.” 

I was fearful that I could lose my stock options after being with the company for 5 years.  If I did I would have lost five years of work towards my life goal to retire early.

Well, I went to a guru.  He taught me to meditate.  I did.

Funny thing happened.  I got very peaceful and detached.  My manager was suddenly switched to a new team, of which I am certain her terrorized as he had me.

HEALING MEDITATION:  Meditation is the road to peace.  Do it and see for yourself.



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