Healing Message From Spirit can be quite extraordinary. This session with spirit was jam packed with healing.
Healing Message From Spirit
Recently I experienced one of the most powerful sessions with Spirit and a sitter in a long time. This session was noteworthy first for its clarity and secondly for the amount of healing packed into the spirit meeting.
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First Connection. Mother comes in from other side. Says to her daughter, “I am sorry.” She had not committed suicide but in a way had decided to let go of fighting to stay on earth.
She also had favored the sitter’s brother over her this past life time. The mother explained why and asked forgiveness.
The mother had been ignored in her own family for being a female and carried the tradition forward in her relationship with her daughter, the sitter.
The mother had an illness in her lungs which had caused a lot of suffering. Instead of getting better from the medical treatment she had gotten worse.
The mother was still fairly young when she passed, as the daughter in the room with me did not look older than 50 years in age.
The mother explained all of this to tell the daughter that she had decided to leave. She had given up.
When the “light” came for her to leave earth, the mother’s words, she accepted and went into it. She did not have the energy or drive to fight the illness any more.
She apologized to her daughter, because she had left her alone at such an early age.
Healing Message From Spirit: The Big Deal
Later, after the session the daughter explained to me that this was a big deal for her. She had felt guilty at her mother’s passing, as if SHE had not done enough to help her mother.
She had felt guilty. The mother in spirit wanted her daughter to know what had happened from a different perspective.
This was very healing for the daughter.
Second Soul. During the same session another soul came in with the name, “Steven.” He said it to me right off the bat, showing a hand gun he had used to take his own life.
I was shocked at the clarity of his words and images. Each soul is different in their ability to communicate. This soul’s ability was exceptional.
This was the sitter’s ex-husband.
He was there to heal much between them, especially the mistreatment he had given to her when he was on earth. He had even sexually abused their biological daughter.
He wanted her to know he was sorry, deeply sorry for all the abuse he had given to her and his daughter.
Then one day on an impulse of self hate he pulled the trigger on a gun and annihilated his life. The sitter wept.
Healing Message From Spirit: Why We Get Them
Spirit comes in quite often to heal and help us understand what really happened in relationships at a deeper, soul level.
This session was definitely one of the more powerful ones I have experienced.
Then last week there were two other sessions that were equally as powerful. Both women had lost children.
One child died od cancer when still only 14 years old.
The other child died of an unknown cause while alone in his bedroom at only 18 years old. This loss had particular significance as the mother had no forewarning of this impending death.
The shock of it had caused her to have emotional breakdowns and be hospitalized for this several times.
One can only witness this as a medium, attempting not to lose emotional control. It is important for the medium to remain as neutral as possible so the messages can be delivered.
If a medium were to break down in sadness spirit would not be able to complete what needed to be said.
Spirit Medium Laura
Book with Laura at BookLaura.com
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