Recently I was asked what is my background in health, healing and nutrition. If you are hiring me for Health Mediumship you are getting a broad base of education behind the psychic ability.
Here is a synopsis of my health awareness and education.
RAISED IN A NUTRITIONALLY AWARE ENVIRONMENT. I was raised in a holistic health conscious household. We were taught to eat healthy from childhood on, however, I did not always do it.
STANDARD AMERICAN DIET. As a young person I rebelled and started to eat what everyone else ate, the Standard American Diet (SAD). This resulted in being very tired and easily fatigued, 20 pounds fatter, digestive issues, regular upper respiratory infections, skin rashes, bags under eyes, etc.
GOT VERY SICK. I was hobbling through life with less than optimal functionality thinking this was normal. Then I got REALLY sick, so sick I thought I was dying.
Every couple of months I would get an upper respiratory infection so viscious I thought I would cough my head off. This infection would last four to six weeks, then go away only to return again in a couple of weeks. This went on for about one to two years.
Finally I took things into my own hands and began to research solutions, trying each of them.

Here are the areas I studied, continue to study and practice.
- Household mold and other environmental toxins. In my search for a solution I found that mold was part of the problem for me. As a health advocate I always consider toxins in the environment as part of solving the problem.
- Epstein Barr and other pathogens can be overcome by combining a holistic approach including supplements, emotions, lifestyle and nutrition. All illness is due in part to emotional and physical causes, not just one or the other.
- Whole Food Plant Based nutrition, from Dr. Esselstein, Dr. Macdougal, Dr. Joel Furman, etc. This is my basic diet, although I do eat some fish and chicken. The more we eat high fiber foods which clean the gut, the healthier we become.
- Keto type diets taught by Dr. Mercola and other gurus. One might say a Keto Whole Food Plan Based diet is optimum. This can be a low glycemic (sugar), high fiber diet, what I consider the gold standard for health and longevity.
- Longevity Diets such as The Blue Zones by Dan Buettner. The Mediterranean Diet, The Longevity Diet by Dr. Longo. I follow most closely Dr. Longo’s program, which is a low glycemic, high fiber, whole food, plant based diet.
- Life extension technology such as Bill Faloon (Life Extension Institute) and Dr. David Sinclair. I follow some of this.
- Health Coach Certification Dr. Bill Sear’s to have a framing credential.
Other Health Areas I have worked.
Back problems.
I have moderate Scoliosis in upper spine which I am working on to correct with exercise. This seems to be working.
I have Spondylolisthesis (slippage of vertebrae in base of spine) which has caused a myriad of problems such as bone spurs, three slipped discs, spinal stenosis, arthritis, bone loss, height loss, sciatica, hip and knee pain, etc.
75% of my L4 vertebrae has slipped off my L5 vertebrae. This means with a little more slippage L4 would no longer sit on L5.
At 17 years old the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York recommended I have an operation. This would have resulted in a year on my back healing and I would have to learn to walk again.
I cried my eyes out and decided to “see” what would happen to me if I did not have the operation.
In the last few years I began to think I would no longer be able to walk so much pain persisted in my hips, knees and back. I was getting totally debilitated.
Finally I asked spirit for help. The amount I have learned from spirit on how to treat this with physical therapy is truly amazing.
Now I live pain free enjoying dance, exercise and a full life completely pain free.
Other areas I have worked and solved.
WEIGHT LOSS, IDEAL WEIGHT. I now weight 110 pounds, whereas, before my healthy rebirth I used to weight about 10 to 15 pounds more. I knew I should have been thinner, because I have a narrow frame, but each time I tried to get thin, I would get that nasty upper respiratory infection back.
As I moved into a more healthy body, the weight just melted away. The Secret? No refined foods. Only real, whole food. Eat this way and your weight normalizes, leaving you radiant.
MENOPAUSE. Symptom free with herbs to support the body in its most happy, healthy and symptom free state. I do not take drugs, but rather a few supplements which work like a charm.
RADIANT SKIN. I had acne as a mature person. Finally through trial and error discovered the way to clear it up which should work for anyone. It is mostly diet and some skin care. Now people complement me regularly on my smooth, wrinkle free, blemish free complexion. I am in my sixties.
DEPRESSION. After I lost a significant love relationship and all my retirement money I was severely depressed. I discovered how with a few supplements one can turn this around so one can get back to the business of living, not losing.
SLEEP. Most people as they get older have trouble sleeping. It is bad enough to get old, but then without sleeping your body cannot do whatever cell repair it needs to slow down the aging process. The Secret to Sleep is the right diet, at the right time, enough exercise, managing stress and perhaps a bit of the right essential oils.