HEALTH CODE: Manifest Health in your life. Shift your relationship with your soul. The word health in Greek, means to make whole. According to the channeling below the way to do this is to sublimate your individual self (your head) into your universal self (your soul). The health code download facilitates this alignment.
Dear Spirit Guides how does a person manifest health in their lives using the LIMITLESS CODES?
We would like to speak about love today. What it is and why it is important. Many people on earth misunderstand what love is.
It is not about getting what you want. It is about purpose of being.
Love is about being the full expression of perfection that is the Universe.
So when we say love we do not mean being with a lover or spouse. We mean having yourself wed to yourself, being your own best friend and loving yourself as no other can love and support you.
Health is an aspect of this. Health is about loving yourself at your root, where you came from, what you do not have, even forgiving yourself for all your deficiencies and what you are not.
When you can love yourself fully, exactly as you are, without defect of love, you have arrived at the full process of love.
Then health is possible.
It is those one earth who think they are incomplete in some area of their life that do not have love completely.
They ask others for help. They feel they cannot do it for themselves.
When you need another to fulfill your needs you do not love yourself.
Love then is knowing you are complete now EXACTLY AS YOU ARE!
This is completion. When you feel enough, you are complete.
As yourself in the quiet today.
“Am I enough as I am?”

Then listen for the answer. If you feel like you are not enough, like you need to do this or that to get something you want you are not feeling enough.
This is not low self esteem. This is feeling simply that being alive is enough without frills or fanfare. It is about feeling entitled to happiness, entitled to health and in a thriving state of mind.
When an aspect of self does not feel completed health will suffer.
Let us look at some conditions like emotional to start. When one feels sad, this is an aspect of longing for the self, something more.
When one can realize that what one is is enough exactly as this person is, then one can begin the journey home to completion.
As you know the word health means WHOLE. So we are talking about bringing the consciousness home to self, arriving at fullness, completion and satiation.
When one is addicted to someone or something this is a similar pattern. One does not feel enough, therefore attempts to find completion outside of the self in an almost compulsive or unrelenting way.

Health issues of the body are a bit different for they do not require emotional in-completion to arrive. They are caused by negative thoughts that work on the subconscious in the area of lack.
When one realizes they are the I AM, when one realizes the self is completion, they have arrived at the I AM of consciousness.
They understand they are enough as is.
So we do not approach completion by telling you my friend that you are enough over and over again.
Rather we force the heart back into the soul for completion. We mean by this that we energetically pull the negativity out of you so you then know only peace, fulfillment and arrival.
It is an energetic completion that we perform.
This is the download.
GET HERE. HEALTH CODE: Manifest Health in your life. Shift your relationship with your soul. Health is a byproduct of alignment with your soul.
INSTRUCTIONS. Best results are obtained by participating in your download once per day for 17 days (or as guided), preferably before retiring at night .
Please watch the LIMITLESS introductory video HERE to see the value of this work in a sample as we do not offer refunds for digital products. Thank you. LENGTH: 7 min 23 seconds. FEE: $44.
After purchase if ordered on computer you should automatically be sent to the activation. If not email for the download.
Not a substitute for licensed professional medical support.