Healthy Boundaries. How to set healthy boundaries for greater joy, happiness, peace, prosperity, love and harmonious relationships in your life.
This week spirit chose to teach me about boundaries. It seemed at each turn I made I was called to set personal boundaries with myself, other people and circumstances.
SPIRIT ATTACHMENTS & UNINVITED SPIRITS. A mediumship student of mine and a potential client raised the concept of being visited by spirits not invited, some troubling, some troubled and negative. The first rule to successful mediumship is learning how to set boundaries so spirit does not show up uninvited.
OVER BEARING ORDERS. Someone kept telling me to wear a mask and socially distance due to Coronavirus as if she was the CDC or my mother.
DINNER PARTY INSULT. A friend got upset with me because I did not invite her to a dinner party I created for those who had me to dinner at their house many times. Since I have limited space only a select few could be invited. It was my way of saying thanks to them, not of rejecting her. I had no malice behind this, however, she took offense at me.
STALKER PERSISTENT. I discovered a man I was dating was recently arrested for stalking someone else. He tried to tell me he was a nice guy who was persistent (as per stalking), therefore I should continue to date him.
OVER EATING. I kept over eating junk food, due to the boredom of the Coronavirus social shutdown. Finally I became more conscious of this lack of boundaries with myself and began to set healthy habits once again.
And on and on.
Each day each of us experiences a chance to set a healthy boundary with ourself, others and circumstances.
The BIG BENEFITs for setting HEALTHY BOUNDARIES are as follows.
- LOVE. You get to love yourself more. If you do not feel deserving you will have difficulty setting personal boundaries, which are an expressions of self love. The more you love yourself by demonstrating healthy boundaries, the more you are expressing the nature of love to others. Others have a chance to learn from your example, thus loving themselves more. This then creates a circle of love, where they respect and love you for this gift.
- PEACE. Each time a situation crosses your personal peace marker, stress ensues. If something is bothering you, it is time to set a rule and follow it.
- RESPECT. The more you respect yourself with healthy personal boundaries the more others respect you and are able to meet your needs.
- HARMONIOUS RELATIONSHIPS are created, including close ones like marriage, children. Setting personal boundaries to meet your needs, helps you avoid angry outbursts, emotional triggers and needless conflict.
- SUCCESS. The more you set healthy boundaries the more you increase your chances of success in every aspect of your life from weight management, financial prosperity and loving relationships.
- SELF AWARENESS, the STAIRWAY to JOY! The first step to set personal boundaries is to be aware of what is bothering you, what you want and how to make yourself happy. Setting a goal to set boundaries therefore opens the path to self awareness, nurturing and self care.

So how do you or anyone for that matter set personal boundaries?
I believe the cornerstone of evolving to JOY is setting and maintaining personal boundaries. The first step to do so is self awareness. There is no better way to increase your self awareness than keeping a JOY JOURNAL.
It can help you get deeply in touch with who you are, what makes you happy and create steps to live in the now of happiness and joy
Happiness is not something to get. It is not out there.
Happiness is inside you. It is something to breathe, live and create each and every moment of your life through the inspiration of awareness, the discipline to set and keep healthy rules of engagement.
YOU actually have all the tools to create and live a life of greater JOY, HAPPINESS and HEALTHINESS!
Isn’t that wonderful? You have the ability to create your happy space and live in it.
Sending you JOY right now in the now!
Spirit Medium Laura
Set your private appointment with spirit through Laura at