Healthy Coping Mechanisms for Stress using spiritual tools.
Introduction to Healthy Coping Mechanisms for Stress
Are you going through stress in your life now?
I would wager the answer is most probably yes. It is nearly impossible to not feel stress so long as our spiritual self is confined to a physical body.
That alone is stressful.
- You want to fly, but you have to walk.
- You want to love, but you have to compete.
- You want to smell the roses, but you have to scurry off to work.
Living in a physical world is antithetical to feeling peaceful. Each moment we exist is dependent on something.
If we do not stay healthy, we could die. If we remain alive, we get old. If we do not find love, we are lonely. If we do not have money, we do not eat, nor have a place to live.
Learning to deal with stress can be one of the most valuable skills you could ever develop.

My Healthy Coping Mechanisms for Stress
I have been going through a change of residence. This particular move is more stressful than any I have done before.
I won’t bore you will all the reasons for this but suffice it to say I have had some sleepless nights.
So what do I do to cope? Here are some healthy coping mechanisms for stress I have been using that work.

Meditation – Healthy Coping Mechanisms for Stress
Lately I have been finding that using headphones while listening to Binaural beats for out of body experiences has really improved my ability to go into trance and do mediumship.
Because of this I decided to see if I could find a binaural beat meditation for relaxation and stress.
Here is a youtube video I found which can help with this. Use headset for best results.
Breathing – Healthy Coping Mechanisms for Stress
Many times we hear that deep breathing is very helpful to detox the system and alleviate stress. When I tried to simply do breathing exercises, I felt more stressed!
With that in mind, I decided to use physical exercise to relax.
Physical Exercise – Healthy Coping Mechanisms for Stress
Exercise increases your respiration detoxes your lymph system, helping to remove any stress hormones in your body.
As well, exercise releases a multitude of endorphins into the blood stream that can reduce stress.

Prayer – Healthy Coping Mechanisms for Stress
Prayer might be the most overlooked resource available to everyone who needs comfort in a time of need. However prayer can increase negativity if done incorrectly.
When I looked up prayers for stress at work for a friend I found all these prayers that stated a negativity situation. This brings down your creative power to elevate and eliminate harm.
Rather I like to us Affirmative Prayer. This type of prayer uses positive language.
Remember, “A thought is a thing.” Whatever we are thinking we are creating in every moment. You are a CREATOR!
So when you do prayer, you need to be very careful in your use of language.
Affirmative Prayer is a non sectarian way of addressing a higher power in the form of positive language something you desire has already occurred.
Here is an example of affirmative prayer.
I thank thee oh infinite spirit [replace with your term for God] for providing me a safe and productive sale of my house [fill in your desired outcome] for the highest good and benefit of all. Amen.
You will notice when you say this you will feel immediately calmer, safer and resolved.
Another way to do affirmative prayer is this.
I bless my move [your situation] to be a fantastic success for highest good and benefit of all.
This is a simple prayer to say which works miracles I can assure you. After saying this over and over again to a higher power I calm down and feel like I literally shifted the energy around a troubling situation.

Prayers for Miracles
There is another type of prayer I use when I have been aching for help for a long time but to no avail.
Finally in total surrender I will say to God [your version of a higher power], “Please help me do this, get this, resolve this, etc.”
If you really mean what you say, then totally release worry after saying the prayer, funny, strange things out of your control will happen.
I said this prayer when I was embroiled emotionally in a toxic relationship for many years, which I just could not shake free from.
Finally one day, when I felt I had had enough, I said this prayer. Within three days a series of unexpected events took place which thoroughly healed and set me free emotionally.
Prayer works because we live in a creative consciousness called LOVE.

Well, there you have it. Three wonderful ways to cope with stress for the less peaceful of us.
Have a beautiful week.
Spirit Medium Laura
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