HEAVEN on EARTH: How to Access Heaven Now

HEAVEN on EARTH: How to Access Heaven Now. How to access the power of LOVE in your life to make manifesting easier and live in a peaceful, higher vibration state.

Spirit has been “haunting” me in a good way of late. Spirit keeps suggesting to me that in this time of heightened polarization there is a huge opportunity.

The opportunity is to live in HEAVEN while still on earth.

What is Heaven on Earth? This is a lighter, faster frequency where manifesting is more accessible.

As well, psychic ability more available.

You might have seen it in more people able to gain psychic insight.

As an example, when I taught Mediumship I noticed how accessible information is from the other side. You set up the right lesson, the right way and suddenly you have a room filled with psychic gurus.

I had one woman in a class I taught bring in my neighbor when I lived in Queens New York, 15 years before. This neighbor was very old when I moved away, so I was certain she was in spirit when the student said her name.

Then, much to my amazement, this student, who had NEVER taken a psychic development class before, choked out my neighbor’s husband’s name. This name was very unusual, as it was of Indian origin.

This example is just one of many I have seen. You may even have heard this before from other Light Workers. You may even feel more psychic yourself these days, like you feel what is going to happen before it happens.

On a metaphysical level I have come to believe this is meaningful.

On earth I see two different belief systems of opposing nature becoming more and more accentuated. It is like some of the people I know live on one earth, and others live on another earth.

Earth 1 and Earth 2

Earth 1 is a higher vibration. This is where more intuitive insight is happening. Those in this place seem to manifest their heart’s desire easier.

They see things as interrelated, complex, multifaceted and unique.

They are connected to each other’s energy fields, know things, see things and seek the greater good.

This earth brings love.

Earth 2 is a denser vibration, where one institution, person or concept is in charge, and others follow.

This earth has no interdependence, no connection to each other. The connection is to the monolith they worship, follow or support.

They see things as separate, hierarchical and prefer conformism over creativity.

The belief systems of this earth are hard work, suffering, co-dependence, incompleteness, polarization and competition.

This Earth brings war.

I am now going to channel on this to see what The Ones have to say about this, how this can be useful to you and me.

Channeling from The Ones on what polarization means to those on earth today.

The earth’s vibration is changing yes. Those on earth today have chosen to be here for this grand SHIFT.

The shift is from darkness to light, from lower vibration to higher realms of heaven on earth.

There is a possibility that all have shifted already. There are only a few left on earth who have not chosen at a subconscious soul level to remain neutral. Al others have chosen.

They have chosen to take the HATE message.

It is only through LOVE that you can survive in this new complex.

We call it a complex because now there are only two ways to be on earth.

In the love state or the hate state.

Those who have shifted already are spreading the love message.

Those that have stayed behind spread the hate message.

The opportunity for you on earth is to choose where you want to be, in love or hate, in competition or in cooperation with each other.

The opportunity is to choose love so you can thrive on earth.

What does this mean?

First, it means tolerant. There are those who do not agree with you. What do you do with them?

Do you fight with them? Do you war with them?


You love them. This does not have to be overt. It can be a prayer you say silently to yourself each time another comes out and displays hate to you.

Simply say to yourself the word LOVE three times. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.

Then let it go. Send them symbolically on their way.

Soon you will find the more you do this the less you experience the pain of polarization and start experiencing the LOVE of freedom.

You begin to be free of the pain of polarization and become free again in your natural state of a soul having an earth experience, rather than an ego having an earth experience.

Do you understand what we are saying? We are saying to love yourself more than ever before and to love all those that oppose you.

The more you do this, the more YOU will shift away from the challenges of polarization.

You will be set free from the sling shot ready to launch. You will be taken out of the polarization into the light of love.

So simple. Love begets more love.

In the love state you are in HEAVEN on earth. You begin to see, feel and hear things differently.

You feel peaceful.

You begin to achieve goals easier, manifesting is less complex, You think, therefore you receive.

Your thoughts are aligned with your reality.

You are lighter and higher in vibration.

We urge all of you to choose now LOVE over hate to thrive.

This is now an opportunity to shift earth to a higher vibration.


The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura

Book your private session with spirit through Laura at www.BookLaura.com

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