Higher Vibration and Frequency for LOVE. Earth is a place where giving is needed before receiving can happen. Learn how to give to receive
Higher Vibration and Frequency for LOVE – Channeled
It is only you that can say no to something that does not support or please you. Many on earth feel that they are victims or hurt by someone else.

It is up to us to tell you the truth. You did it to yourself because you did not feel worthy of love.
Feeling worthy of love is something you set aside over time, you develop it slowly. When you do not feel worthy of love you will notice yourself in unloving situations.
At times you will be in a situation that is exceptionally unloving.
This is your wake up call to take action.
Higher Vibration and Frequency for LOVE – Action
Action means
- Notice what YOU did. You said “Yes” to a situation that is unloving.
2. Decide what you will do about it.
3. Do that thing you just decided to do.
Sounds simple, yes, but in effect being loving to yourself is not as easy as it sounds.
You must first let go of something first. You must first let go of the idea that you can have everything you want.
At times on the earth plane you will not get what you want. You will get what you need, but not what you want.
This means that at times on earth there is a sense that you should have everything your heart desires. This could not be farther from the truth.
The earth place is a designation to learn balance.
We mentioned this before in another article.
Balance means that you are loving yourself as much as another and that you must give and take, you must give to receive.
This is the law of Karma, where two items cannot hold the same place at the same time. You can not be giving and receiving at the same time.
You need to first give, then you will receive.
This is the law of cause and effect which is prevalent in the earth frequency.
Higher Vibration and Frequency for LOVE
In higher frequencies you can get and give at the same time, but in the earth vibration of karma the astral plane of existence there is only one vibration and that is causal.
Causality means that you must first take an action to find a reaction. So GIVE first. Then you will RECEIVE.
In the area of love relationships it works like this.
You give love, unconditonally, then you will receive love, perhaps not from the one you thought you loved, but by a new someone.
So when you are feeling unloved always be giving to someone or something around you. This giving will begin to send you getting until your cup overflows with love from everywhere.
Give to get and you will be much happier and be loved completely by the universe first, then by particular frequencies within the earth vibration.
Yes, the earth vibration is causal, or karmic. But you can experience higher frequencies while still on earth. You just need to put more effort in to keep the vibration higher, but that is for another article coming soon.
The Ones on Higher Vibration and Frequency for LOVE