Holistic Healing for Depression. Learn about how depression can happen and a possible way to get out of it using a spiritual holistic approach.
DEPRESSED? Have you been feeling a bit blue? The spiritual answer is to Renew YOU!
Spirit taught me this week that feeling depressed during times of social isolation comes as our distractions are removed.
We are forced to rely on our relationship with self. If it is good, we remain calm, focused and on point for our expression. We remain in joy.
If it is bereft we feel the emptiness. We experience anxiety.

For the last few days, I have feeling a bit blue. Everywhere I looked I saw evidence of my inadequacy. I kept seeing other people having something I wanted very badly and couldn’t understand why I didn’t.
I felt angry, disjointed, out of whack. I was dislodged from my peaceful center.
Finally this morning I woke up, grabbed my journal and began digging into this, poking at it, until I had an insight.
I realized I was out of touch with who I was. I was doing the same thing I have done my entire life. I was trying to be something other people wanted, but was not who I was.
The biggest sin we can commit against our self is to get off point for our identity. There is NO power in trying to be someone else.
Our true abundance can only come by knowing who we are and then being that.
As I ached out of this writing session, I labored in an act of self love to support who I am and do what I do best.
Out of this came a focus for me. I followed it throughout the day.
The first thing that happened is a feeling of deep release, peace and joy. All the pressure melted away as I bonded with my truth.
Then, by the end of the day small movement occurred.
In the middle of this global pandemic and social distancing I received an virtual introduction to a new love interest. Coincidentally during this time of social isolation, I kept thinking I should go “online” to meet someone.
Never got around to it, but as you can see when you are on point for your vibration, you attract what you desire with greater power. You do not have to fight to make things happen. They just sort of, well, happen.
The economic shut down from this pandemic, caused a lull in my business.
But later this day I unexpectedly received two orders for a manifesting software I had never received a commission on in the 10 years it had been promoted on my website!
Then I received three inquiries for appointments all at once, like spirit was sending me another affirmation I was now on my correct vibration. One ordered a session right away.
“OK, I said to spirit. I get this.” When you are on point for yourself, your abundance unfolds. It is automatic. It is the Spiritual Law of Vibration.
So my message to you is to be yourself.
Spirit invites you to develop your relationship with the greatest asset you have. This asset is YOUR SOUL, your purpose, your intuition, your inner archetype for outer expression.
DEVELOPMENT. A free exercise on this is linked HERE. This class was done on 4/20/20 during the MONDAY DEVELOPMENT & MESSAGES online event.
Join our mailing list to learn how to enter the free event.
GIVE/GET MESSAGES TOO. If you are a developing psychic or medium you are invited to deliver messages during message portion of the event.
Sending you spiritual healing, love and light,
Spirit Medium Laura