Holistic Help for Scoliosis

Holistic Help for Scoliosis.

A friend of mine asked what I did to help straighten a life long scoliosis I have. Scoliosis is never healed completely, but can be vastly improved and maintained with physical therapy.

Imagine you started very crooked like the one on the right, but were able to improve your posture quite a bit like the one on the left.

If you cannot imagine this it is probably because you are in the 98% of the population who has never had to deal with this insidious condition.

Xray of scoliosis human

I have improved my scoliosis to such a point that I did not even notice it much anymore. It seemed to have been corrected.

Here is what I did Holistic Help for Scoliosis

  1. Visioning Intention. I visualized my back straight on a daily basis using a meditation.
  2. Intuitively led (this happens when you set intention and vision it as done, your intuition is activated leading you to insights and solutions.) I was led to do certain stretches and strengthening exercises on a daily basis over time.
  3. Followed a healthy lifestyle of nutrition, exercise, calmness and optimism even when I did not feel like it. :)
Free Person Facing Background Stock Photo


While I do not have any absolute before and after photos I can say that I did notice my body was much more symmetrical. I certainly felt more confident.

Here are some youtube videos to help you or someone you know heal their back. The back is far more treatable than you might think for any kind of spine issue with the right physical therapy.

My biggest health issue with my spine is a lower back problem. Through physical therapy I have been able to live an almost normal life without pain.

Videos Focused on Holistic Help for Scoliosis

I researched these videos for a friend.

Use this as a beginning point of research to find ways to correct scoliosis.  Youtube is filled with ideas.  

As well, since I am a Health Medium I could be called upon to access your healing guides for intuitive advice to improve your symmetry in a holistic fashion.

This material is correct in my experience.  https://youtu.be/BY1YBzz7ENg

Good method: https://youtu.be/JerxTj5xHGs

www.ScoliosisCareCenters.com.  Cure case study.https://youtu.be/1EXx-4wtm9A

The Schroth Method.  I think this is too difficult and I did not use a brace either.  Scoliosis can be reversed with a simpler approach.    https://youtu.be/6q7nQWrfXRM

Proof from clinic in England.  They do online work too.  I think they use the Schroth Method. https://www.scoliosissos.com/

Closing Holistic Help for Scoliosis

Hope this helps someone out there suffering from the big “S”.

Since I am a Health Medium I could be called upon to access your healing guides for intuitive advice to improve your symmetry in a holistic fashion.

Sending healing thoughts,

Spirit medium Laura

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