HEALTH MEDIUM: How to Holistically Improve Your Immune System to fight any pandemic, virus or health issue.
The following information is in compliment to licensed professional support. I am a Health Medium, Certified Health Coach.
Today millions are fighting a major pandemic health challenge. Yet, those with the strongest immune systems seem to be naturally protected.
you find yourself vulnerable to frequent colds, upper respiratory
infections that linger, maybe developing into pneumonia, recurring and
repeating over and over again?
the over use of antibiotics, even in our food, pesticides, processed
foods, sugar infiltrating everything we eat, artificial sweeteners and
simply FAKE foods, we are all turning into VIRUS BANQUETS!
How do you holistically improve your immune system to be ready to fight any virus off?

I found myself experiencing this personally a few years ago. I worked and worked assiduously to find a solution which works quite well.
Some of it is based on the Health Coach Certification I have. Some of it on Intuitive Inspirations to help solve this problem.
Below please find the protocol.
As mentioned above a few years ago I was getting very sick over and over again. It was an upper respiratory infection which seemed to lodge in my lungs, causing deep, violent coughing.
This was so bad I had become an expert on different kinds of cough medicine. I really liked the one that would knock you out so you could sleep through the night (Nyquil), then take its counterpart for daytime (Dayquil).
This would go on for weeks at a time and would recur every two months or so!
I did go to the doctor for an overall check up. I wanted to see if there was an underlying condition which was causing this.
The doctor found nothing wrong with me after a comprehensive blood profile was done.
So I had to figure this out myself, which I did!
The first step was to get my current L.E.A.N. Health Coach Certification through Dr. Bill Sears.
Now it has been about three years of almost flawless functionality. If I do pick up a virus it is minor and I quickly fight it off with a salt gargle, a Colloidal Silver spray and a good night’s sleep.
Lately I am finding other women over sixty years of age are having a similar type of experience.
They are experiencing recurring upper respiratory infections to the point of weeks to months of illness, at times diagnosed as pneumonia, with a recurring aspect to it.
Now with the advent of the Coronavirus a respiratory infection could be fatal.
I want to share what works for me in case someone wants to use it or at least start from this.

I eat an anti inflammatory diet. This means I eat a whole food plant based diet with some organic meat, fish or fowl protein in compliment to it.
Dr. Mark Hyman describes this way of eating the most accurately if you need further explanation. Here is a link to his book, “What the Heck Should I Eat,” which gives great detail on this.
I make certain I do get enough organic animal based protein, as I intuitively feel the immune system needs this, especially if weak.
As we age, our immune system automatically becomes weaker, so everyone should concern themselves with getting enough organic animal protein as they become older
WHOLE FOOD. This means nothing processed (or at least minimized). Anything man made should be minimized.
SUGAR in all its forms like corn syrup, while flour, alcohol, etc.
ALCOHOL. One thing I am now doing is limiting and avoiding alcohol completely. I feel it drains my immune system, making me feel foggy brained, weak and vulnerable to infections.
ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS. They are as bad as sugar and can affect your immune system and even make you gain weight.
CHEMICALS. Preservatives, chemical dyes, hormones, pesticides, MSG and flavor enhancers, etc.
DAIRY, especially those chemically enhanced because they are fat free!
GLUTEN. Inflames the body.
FIBER. This will help your immune system, but creating the correct bacteria in the gut.
VEGGIES. Any and all vegetables, some carbohydrates like sweet potatoes, beans, legumes, some whole grains without gluten.
FRUITs, especially low sugar fruits like berries.
SUPPLEMENTS. I know a lot of people do not like to take supplements but if you are getting sick you should consider the following which could help considerably.
GREEN FOOD. I take an Organic Greens Super food powder in the morning which is a concentrated super food. Here is an example of one.
I also take the following for my optimal immune system.
Nature’s Way Systems Well Ultimate Immunity. I take four tablets of this per day. (Recommended is 3 per day, but I was still getting sick when I only took 3.)
Multi-Vitamin based on green food. This is just to cover what you may have missed in diet. If you are doing the Green Food mentioned above this probably is not necessary. I still do it because I want to cover myself completely.
I also take Medicinal Mushrooms which I added a few years later. They seem to cap off what I needed. Here is exactly what I take. The added benefit of supplementing with powerful, healing mushrooms is enhanced mental clarity, more energy and heightened psychic ability.
I exercise every day for an hour at least! I try to get out for an hour walk in the fresh air as well as core abdominal, and other toning routines. As well, I take a few rigorous dance classes including ballroom dancing (prior to Covid-19).
Meditation can help you relax and improve your immune system. The reason I got so sick is because I was extremely stressed out at that time.
Lost love and money to the point of pain.
Here is how I meditate. It is based on working on life goals at the same time.
When I feel an infection coming on I immediately gargle with salted water and spray my throat with Colloidal Silver. This and a good night’s sleep will knock it out before it gets to be anything.
Fasting has long been a remedy for illness. The body left to its own repair devices usually will naturally lead you to fast if you are ill.
Recently there has been much research done in the area of fasting as a way to trigger the body’s self healing mechanisms. Dr. Valter Longo is a leader in this area currently.
If you have an immune system issue his work and fasting process should be considered.
Here is a video which goes into how and why this works.
So there you have it. A plan to be as healthy as possible.
Of course, all this information is in compliment to licensed professional support as I am a Health Medium, Health Coach, not a physician.
Spirit Medium Laura
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